

单词 checkers
释义 check·ers 英'tʃekəz美'tʃekərz COCA³⁰⁹⁶⁸BNC⁵⁶⁴⁷⁹Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺

a checkerboard game for two players who each have 12 pieces; the object is to jump over and so capture the opponent's pieceschecker西洋棋draught通风Chinese chequers跳棋Chinese checkers跳棋company checkers公司雇用的检查员…
check-erS,⇒n.西洋棋n.检验员名词checker的复数形式.近义词 draughts国际跳棋…

用作名词Yes, I'm very fond ofcheckers, too.没错,我也很喜欢下西洋棋。
We playedcheckersand ate melon seeds and peanuts all night.我们整个晚上都在下西洋棋,吃瓜子和花生。用作名词The creators of Chinook, a computer program that playscheckers, now argue that it is unbeatable by human or computer competition.契努克族印第安语的创建者,玩检验员的一个电脑程式,现在主张,它由人类或电脑竞争是无敌的。as in.examiner
同义词 appraiser,auditor,inspector,investigatoranalyst,assayer,inquirer,inquisitor,interrogator,proctor,questioner,quizmaster,quizzer,researcher,reviewer,scrutinizerproberas in.inspector
同义词 auditor,controller,detective,investigator,monitor,police officerassessor,overseer,reviewer,scrutinizer,sleuth,testerprivate eyeas in.mosaic
同义词 patchworkmontage,motley,plaid,tessellation,variegationas in.prober
同义词 analyst,auditor,examiner,inquisitor,investigator,querier,quester,questioner,researcher,scrutinizeras in.querier
同义词 analyst,auditor,examiner,inquisitor,investigator,quester,questioner,researcher,scrutinizerproberas in.quester
同义词 analyst,auditor,examiner,inquisitor,investigator,querier,questioner,researcher,scrutinizerproberas in.questioner
同义词 auditor,inquisitor,interrogatoranalyst,examiner,investigator,querier,quester,researcher,scrutinizerprober
examinernoun tester
inspectornoun examiner
assessor,auditor,checker,controller,detective,investigator,monitor,overseer,police officer,private eye,reviewer,scrutinizer,sleuth,tester
mosaicnoun collage
probernoun inquirer
queriernoun inquirer
questernoun inquirer
analyst,auditor,checker,examiner,inquisitor,investigator,prober,querier,questioner,researcher,scrutinizer The survey’s price- checkers did their best to compare like with like, matching the price of staples and delicacies in each country.
价格调查员尽量采取同类相比的办法,把每个国家的大宗货物和珍稀货物分别比较。 ecocn

The event-based design fits naturally with the user- driven applications in which spell checkers are typically embedded.
拼写检查器通常内嵌在用户驱动的应用程序里,而事件驱动的设计本身就适合这类程序。 ibm

During their work of checking and supervision the checkers and the supervisors should present their legal certificates.
检查监督时,检查监督人员应当出示合法的证件。 putclub

Fortunately, the modern writing process has evolved to incorporate new essay plagiarism checkers.
所幸地是,不断演变的现代写作进程里,文章反剽窃软件问世。 putclub

He added homey touches, like a checkers game, to the shop and genuinely seemed to care about customers.
他在咖啡厅里加了些让人感受到家的气氛,如跳棋游戏,发自内心地关心顾客。 yeeyan

He plays bocce, chess and checkers. He scrubs pots and pans in the prison kitchen.
他有时候会玩地滚球、象棋和跳棋,还会在监狱的厨房里擦拭盆盆罐罐。 iciba

I like it because I can go outside to play. If it rains, I can stay inside and play checkers.
我喜欢暑假是因为我可以外出玩耍;要是下雨,我就可以在室内下棋。 ebigear

I moved to a small town, and nobody played chess there, but one guy challenged me to checkers.
我到小镇上以后找不到人下象棋,但有人想和我下西洋跳棋。 yeeyan

If it rains, I can stay inside and play checkers.
要是下雨,我就可以在室内下棋。 cri

It was like a game of checkers played at a distance and in silence.
这好象是远远地无声地在下着一局棋。 ebigear

Its price checkers did their best to compare like with like, matching the price of staples and delicacies in each country.
价格调查人员尽量进行同类食物的对比,将两地的主食和美味佳肴进行一对一的配对,然后比较其价格。 ecocn

Maybe your3-year-old is ready to play checkers, but toys with small parts should be kept out of reach and little kids should only play with a grownup.
也许你3岁大的孩子已经能完跳棋了,但是小棋子要人帮拿才能玩,所以小孩必须要再长大点才能玩。 yeeyan

Play checkers while the plants grow.
在蔬菜生长的时候玩西洋跳棋。 blog.sina.com.cn

Spell checkers are a great feature, but most are flawed in their simplicity.
拼写检查是非常出色的特性,但是很多都简陋的处处是瑕疵。 yeeyan

The business will require armies of administrators, checkers, and foreman, and administrative overhead will rise correspondingly.
那么该企业将需要大批大批的管理人员、检验员、工头,因而管理费用将会相应地升高。 iciba

The name“ Chinese checkers” originated in the US as a marketing scheme by a company in1928.
1928年的时候,一家美国公司在做市场推广时,将其命名为“中国跳棋”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

This also brings about a difference between Testers and Checkers.
这也引出了测试人员和检查人员的区别。 infoq

Unlike checkers or chess, at which machines have also had notable success, poker is a game of incomplete information.
计算机下跳棋和象棋时,如同睁着眼睛大获全胜,而扑克牌不同,这个游戏信息并不完整。 ecocn

While professional news organizations have professional editors and fact checkers, Wikipedia has far more eyes to mobilize in fact checking.
专业新闻机构有职业编辑和事实调查者,但维基百科在事实调查方面有更多人员参与。 yeeyan




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