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词汇 Chechnya
释义 Chech·nya 英ˈtʃetʃniːə, tʃetʃˈnjɑː美ˈtʃɛtʃniə, tʃɛtʃˈnjɑAHDchĕchʹnē-ə, chĕch-ny\\adieʒʹ COCA¹⁵⁵⁴⁵

an autonomous republic in southwestern Russia in the northern Caucasus Mountains bordering on Georgia; declared independence from the USSR in 1991 but Russian troops invaded and continue to prosecute a relentless military campaign in the largely Muslim republic近义词 Chechenia车臣Chechen Republic车臣共和国

During his seven years in London, Moussaoui's family and French investigators say he traveled to Pakistan, Afghanistan and Chechnya.
穆萨维的家人和法国调查人员称他在伦敦的七年间去过巴斯基坦,阿富汗和车臣。 yeeyan

The regime imposed in Chechnya is authoritarian, criminal and very corrupt.
统治车臣的制度是独裁的,罪恶的并且很腐败。 ecocn

What viewers have seen instead were pictures of fountains in Chechnya and of polite policemen in Moscow helping old ladies and children.
相反,观众们看到却是在车臣拍摄的一些慰人的图片——美丽的喷泉与莫斯科警察帮助老妇人与孩子。 ecocn

After her killing, Memorial suspended its operations in Chechnya.
她被害之后,“纪念”中止在车臣的活动。 ecocn

As well as the army, thousands of policemen across Russia have served in Chechnya.
像军队一样,全俄罗斯的数千名警察也在车臣服役。 ecocn

For now, it needs a stable Chechnya to reassure Russians ahead of next year's presidential election; in the future, it might again need an unstable one.
眼下,它需要一个稳定的车臣,以便让俄罗斯人在明年总统大选之前安心;将来,它可能再次需要一个不稳定的车臣。 ecocn

From Nigeria to Sri Lanka, from Chechnya to Baghdad, people have been slain in God's name; and money and volunteers have poured into these regions.
从尼日利亚到斯里兰卡,从车臣到巴格达,许多人因上帝之名而被杀害,与此同时,金钱和志愿者大量地投入到这些地区。 yeeyan

Her death, he suggested, was an attempt to “ discredit” Chechnya and Ingushetia and “ trample its peoples in the mud”.
卡德罗夫说,她的死,是败坏车臣和印古什共和国名誉的一次尝试,是“把这里的人们踩在泥中蹂躏”。 yeeyan

However, in recent years, violence has spread from Chechnya throughout the region.
然而,近年来,暴力已经从车臣蔓延到整个地区。 ecocn

In Oxford she managed to escape the horrors of Chechnya.
在那里,她成功地逃脱了车臣恐怖的威胁。 yeeyan

In the hierarchy of the Soviet empire, Chechnya was a backwater.
在苏维埃帝国的阶级制度,车臣就是一潭死水。 ecocn

It is a pity that he has not found space in his latest book to include Chechnya and the north Caucasus which remain Russia’s most dangerous and unstable regions.
但是可惜的是,在这本他的最新著作中,他并没有讲俄罗斯最危险的两个敌人,也是最不稳定的两个地区:车臣和北高加索列入讨论。 ecocn

It is double the size of Chechnya and consists of several dozen ethnic groups, most with their own language.
它的面积是车臣的两倍大,而且其国民由几十个少数民族所构成,各民族自成方言。 ecocn

Large-scale exercises are a rarity for the conscript army, which in any case is heavily committed in Chechnya.
大规模军事演习对这个征召军队来说是稀罕物,而无论如何车臣都是沉重负担。 ecocn

Mr Putin made Mr Kadyrov president; but Chechnya helped to make Mr Putin himself president of Russia.
普京任命卡德罗夫为总统;而车臣帮助普京自己成为俄罗斯的总统。 ecocn

Second, he imposed peace in Chechnya and across the north Caucasus.
第二,他给车臣和北高加索强行带去了和平。 ecocn

Since the early 1990s Moscow’s only policies have been brute force and money, first in Chechnya and then across the north Caucasus.
1990年代以来,莫斯科仅有的政策就是残忍镇压和金钱收买,刚开始是在车臣,现在是整个北高加索。 ecocn

Some are still afraid; some have nothing left in Chechnya to go back to.
一些人仍很恐惧;一些人在车臣已经一无所有而不能返家。 ecocn

The attack continued a trend of rising violence in the north Caucasus this year following an end to Russian military activities in Chechnya last year.
这是继今年在高加索北部不断上升的暴力事件后又一次袭击,中断了俄罗斯去年在车臣进行的军事活动。 ecocn

There he underwent some form of military training— to help the resistance in Chechnya, he says, not to fight the Americans.
在那里,他接受了某种形式的军事训练-他说这些训练的目的是为了帮助对抗车臣而不是为了同美国开战。 ecocn

Yet Chechnya is virtually a separate state, where women must wear headscarves in public and the sale of alcohol is restricted.
然而车臣实际上是一个孤立的国家,妇女们在公共场合必须戴头纱,贩卖酒类是受限制的。 ecocn




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