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cheat 英tʃiːt美tʃitAHDchēt ★★☆☆☆常中高四六研I牛4八COCA⁵⁸⁹⁴BNC¹⁸⁷⁸⁵iWeb⁵²⁰⁰Economist¹⁴⁶⁶⁴ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 vt.欺骗⁴³;骗取⁶vi.作弊³⁵;行骗³n.骗子¹³;欺骗复数cheats副词cheatingly名词cheater过去分词cheated现在分词cheating三单cheats 遵守校纪
v.动词 vt. 欺骗,哄骗deceive or trick; act in a dishonest way vi. 欺诈,作弊behave in a dishonest or deceitful way in order to win an advantage n.名词 C欺骗行为the example or act of cheating C骗子person who cheats Noun: weedy annual grass often occurs in grainfields and other cultivated land; seeds sometimes considered poisonousweedy annual native to Europe but widely distributed as a weed especially in wheatsomeone who leads you to believe something that is not truethe act of swindling by some fraudulent scheme;that book is a fraud a deception for profit to yourself Verb: deprive somebody of something by deceit;The con-man beat me out of $50 This salesman ripped us off! we were cheated by their clever-sounding scheme They chiseled me out of my money defeat someone through trickery or deceitengage in deceitful behavior; practice trickery or fraud;Who's chiseling on the side? be sexually unfaithful to one's partner in marriage;She cheats on her husband Might her husband be wandering? v.动词 cheat, deceive, delude, fool, trick这组词都有“欺骗”的意思。其区别是: 1.在手段上, cheat是造假、作弊、做假动作; deceive是歪曲事实,隐瞒真相,耍两面派; delude则是指用虚伪的意见或信念欺骗。 2.在目的上, cheat指的是骗财、骗物、骗色,即为了谋取私利或占便宜而采取不诚实的手段进行欺骗; deceive是使人产生错误印象; delude则是使人产生错误的想法。 3.cheat还可以作不及物动词,指在考试、买卖、竞赛中的欺骗行为,而deceive却只能作及物动词。 4.deceive用于被动语态的句子中或当deceive后面用反身代词时,常常强调“弄错了”的结果,不一定是有意识的欺骗; cheat则没有此用法。 5.fool着重强调“愚弄”,往往指把对方当作弱者或愚者而“玩弄,哄骗”。 6.trick作“哄骗”解时,多指用计谋使人相信某一不真实之事或去做傻事,多非出于恶意。 cheat, cozen, defraud, overreach, swindle这组词都表示以诈骗的手段获得某种东西,特别是获得金钱或贵重物品。其区别是: cheat表示“欺骗,骗取”,强调使用逃避他人眼目的欺骗手段; cozen表示“欺骗,欺哄”,侧重指骗人的手腕,常含有“引诱”的意思,受骗者通常会失去对自己颇有价值的东西; defraud表示“骗取”,指夺去别人的东西,强调撒谎和歪曲事实; swindle表示“骗取”,指骗子骗取受害人的信任,进行明目张胆的夺取,或以伪装得到可以换钱的东西; overreach表示“欺骗,哄骗”,指采用不公平或不正当手段而占对手的上风,因而具有“欺骗,哄骗”的意思。 cheat,deceive,trick,fool这些动词均含有“欺骗”之意。 cheat普通用词,指用蒙蔽他人的手段取得所需之物,尤多指在赢利的买卖中欺骗人。 deceive最普通用词,指用虚假外表使人信以为真,或蓄意歪曲事实,或造成错误印象使人上当受骗。 trick指用阴谋诡计等骗得信任或得到所需之物。 fool指把别人当傻瓜,愚弄欺骗别人。 来自古法语escheat。来自拉丁语*excadere。来自ex-,向外,cad-,掉落,词源同case, accident。原为一特殊官职,其主要职责为清收无主领地或财产,或没有继承人的财物,因担任这一职务的官员经常做一些中饱私囊,侵吞国有财产的事情,最终固定为现在的词义。字母es被当做前缀ex-脱落。 escheat来自拉丁语excadere。来自ex-,向外,-cad,掉落,词源同accident, case。官职名,其主要职责是为国家统计并接收领土或辖地内的无主或无继承人的财产,因这一职务油水丰厚,所以担任这一官职者通常背负着欺骗的坏名声。常见词cheat即来自该词拼写变体。 ex来自原始印欧语*eghs,从,从…出,向外,同前缀ex-,向外,即从前,前任。 cad由cadet衍申出来的贬义用法。 case1、情况。来自cad-,掉落,词源同case, accident。2、盒子。来自拉丁语capsa,盒子,词源同accept, capture。 accidentac-,去,往,-cid,落,落下,词源同deciduous,落叶的。引申词义突然掉落,意外。 ex来自原始印欧语*eghs,从,从…出,向外,同前缀ex-,向外,即从前,前任。 用作动词 v. ~+名词cheat customers欺骗顾客cheat one's father骗父亲cheat the journey消磨旅途的寂寞cheat sb's money骗取某人的钱副词+~always cheat总作弊often cheat经常作弊~+副词cheat cleverly聪明地欺骗cheat diplomatically有策略地欺骗cheat flagrantly明目张胆地欺骗cheat infernally坏透了地欺骗cheat perpetually经常地欺骗cheat shrewdly精明地欺骗cheat vilely卑鄙地欺骗~+介词cheat at cards打牌作弊cheat at the examination考试作弊cheat in an exam考试作弊cheat sb into lending the money骗…借钱cheat on the examination考试作弊cheat with flattery用谄媚行骗用作名词 n.动词+~put a cheat upon欺骗…形容词+~downright cheat彻头彻尾的欺骗notorious cheat声名狼藉的骗子shameful cheat可耻的骗局名词+~tax cheat偷税,漏税 用作动词v. cheat at v.+prep.
在比赛等中捣鬼,作弊 play (a game unfairly) cheat at sthJim said that his brother had cheated at cards.吉姆说他哥哥玩牌捣了鬼。 He was asked to resign from the club when he was discovered cheating at cards.人们发现他在玩纸牌时作弊,就要求他退出那个俱乐部。 What a shame to cheat at an examination!他在考试中作弊真是可耻! cheat into v.+prep.
哄骗 persuade sb by a trick into sth cheat sb into sth/v-ingThis politician tried to cheat the people into the belief that he would work for public welfare.这个政客想哄骗人们相信他是会为大众谋福利的。 He cheated her into believing him a wealthy man.他骗得她相信他是一个富翁。 I doubt whether they are not cheating people into making the bargain sale.我怀疑他们搞的那个大减价是骗人的玩意儿。 He was cheated into buying the gadget.他受骗买下了这个小玩意儿。 cheat of v.+prep.
剥夺 deprive cheat on v.+prep.
作弊 deceive in 故事记忆有一个 Seat座位非常的 Neat干净坐一个 Cheat骗子把咖啡 Heat加热啃一块 Meat肉结果被 Beat打了一顿故事记忆 Cheat骗子的 Wheat小麦 Heat加热能 Eat吃 非常记忆che车〖拼音〗+at在〖熟词〗⇒开车的人在欺骗我ch音似“气”+eat吃→被骗后气得吃不下东西⇒欺骗近义词 trickstern. deceiver 用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AIt is wrong to cheat.骗人是不对的。 Don't play cards with him; he always cheats.不要和他打牌,他老是作弊。 You never cheat during examinations, do you?你考试时从来没作过弊吧? Don't you consider it wrong to cheat in examinations?你不认为考试作弊是错误的吗? 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.We won't cheat you.我们不会欺骗你。 That shopkeeper cheats his customers.那个店主欺骗顾客。 The man was arrested for having cheated people with counterfeit notes.那个人曾用伪钞行骗而被捕过。 I am positive that he did not for a moment feel that he was in a way cheating the store.我确信,他一点也不觉得自己是在欺骗商店。 Don't let yourself be cheated by these figures.不要让这些数字把你给骗了。 He is not cheated who knows he is beingcheated.明白别人正在欺骗自己的人是不会受骗的。用作名词n.The sheets I've bought are acheat.我买这些床单上当了。 He is acheat.他是个骗子。Pcheating行骗Pescheat收回缴回Pcheatern.骗子诈手Pescheatable收归国有的Pescheator管理没收产权的官员
cheat的基本意思是“欺骗”,指为了谋取私利或占便宜而采取不诚实的手段主要是使别人不注意进行欺骗。 cheat作“欺骗,哄骗”解时是及物动词,其宾语总是人,后可接of sth 或into sth/ v-ing 表示被骗去的东西或骗某人做某事,可用于被动结构。作“欺诈,作弊”解时,用作不及物动词,其后常跟介词in或at; 也可接介词into,介词宾语多为动名词。 cheat还可以表示“对…不忠”,用作不及物动词,跟介词on。这是一种俚语用法,常用来表示男女关系。 动词98%,名词2% 用作及物动词We were on our honor not tocheatthe customers.我们以名誉担保不欺骗顾客。 It is contemptible tocheatfriends.欺骗朋友是卑劣的。 Theycheatthe old woman of her house and money.他们骗取了老妇人的房屋和钱财。用作不及物动词I would rather fail thancheatin the examination.我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。 He nevercheatsto pass examination.他考试从不作弊。 It is just not credible that she wouldcheat.她会行骗简直难以置信。用作名词He is a shamelesscheat.他是个无耻的骗子。 Yourcheatwill sooner or later find you out.你的欺骗行为迟早会暴露的。noun.person who fools others 同义词 charlatan,con artist,crook,hypocrite,impostor,rascal,rogue,swindler,tricksterbluff,chiseler,deceiver,decoy,defrauder,dodger,double-crosser,double-dealer,fake,masquerader,pretender,quack,scammer,shark,sharper,shysterconfidence operator,conniver,cozener,enticer,inveiglernoun.trick 同义词 chicanery,deception,fraud,scam,swindle,trickeryartifice,baloney,bunco,con,cozening,deceit,dodge,double-dealing,fake,fix,flimflam,frame,gyp,hoax,hoaxing,humbug,hustle,imposture,jazz,jive,plant,put on,racket,ripoff,sell,sham,spoof,sting,stunt,whitewash,wrongbamboozlement,bill of goods,con game,cover up,dirty pool,dirty trick,fast one,fast shuffle,hanky-panky,run around,shady deal,shell game,snow jobverb.defraud, fool 同义词 bilk,con,deceive,defraud,delude,dupe,fleece,hoodwink,mislead,swindle,trick,victimizebamboozle,beat,beguile,bleed,bunco,burn,caboodle,chisel,cozen,crib,cross,diddle,do,finagle,flimflam,fudge,gouge,gyp,hose,milk,ream,rook,sandbag,scam,screw,shaft,short,shuck,skin,snow,stiff,sucker,take,trim,two-timedo a number on,double-cross,double-deal,fast talk,give bum steer,jerk around,pull one's leg,rip off,rope in,take for a ride,take in,take outverb.frustrate, thwart 同义词 deprive,preventbaffle,check,defeat,foil beguileverb fool betray,bluff,burn,chisel,con,deceive,delude,double-cross,dupe,entice,exploit,finesse,flimflam,gyp,have,hoodwink,impose on,jockey,juggle,lure,manipulate,mislead,play,play for a sucker,rook,rope in,scam,seduce,shave,snow,stick,string along,suck in,take,take in,trick beguilesverb fool betrays,bluffs,burns,cheats,chisels,cons,deceives,deludes,double-crosses,dupes,entices,exploits,finesses,flimflams,gyps,has,hoodwinks,imposes on,jockeys,juggles,lures,manipulates,misleads,plays,plays for a sucker,rooks,rope in,scams,seduces,shaves,snows,sticks,string along,sucks in,takes,takes in,tricks charlatannoun swindler cheat,con,con artist,fake,fraud,imposter,mountebank,phony,pretender,quack,rip-off artist,sham connoun a trick bluff,cheat,crime,deception,double-cross,dupe,fraud,gold brick,graft,mockery,swindle converb deceive, defraud bamboozle,bilk,cajole,cheat,chicane,coax,double-cross,dupe,flimflam,fool,hoax,hoodwink,hornswoggle,humbug,inveigle,mislead,rip off,rook,sweet-talk,swindle,trick,wheedle consnoun trick bluffs,cheats,crimes,deceptions,double-crosses,dupes,frauds,gold bricks,grafts,mockeries,swindles,take ins Do you cheat on your taxes? 你在税务上作弊否? hxen Hundreds of thousands of psychologists have researched about why do men cheat and lie and still they haven't given any concrete answers. 成千上万的心理学家对男人为什么要欺骗和撒谎做了研究,然而他们还没有给出任何具体的答复。 yeeyan The Additional Protocol is an excellent way for those who don't cheat to show their virtue. 对于那些显示出不欺骗的美德的国家,附加议定书是一个极好的方法。 ecocn Don't go to that shop— they often cheat their customers. 别去那家商店,他们常常欺骗顾客。《21世纪大英汉词典》 Either we teach the young to understand and appreciate their freedom, or we cheat them of their birthright. By William Damon. 要么我们教导年轻人了解和欣赏他们的自由,要么我们骗走他们与生俱来的权利。 yeeyan He should at least have been creative and tried to cheat effectively or something. 他至少应该有点创造性,尽量有效的作弊或是什么的。 yeeyan I assume that he won't cheat you. 想来他是不会骗你的。《新英汉大辞典》 I don't know how smart this reason sounds but it is certainly a possible reason for why men cheat and lie. 我不知道这个原因听起来会是多么的精明但是它一定是男人欺骗和说谎的一个可能的原因。 yeeyan I would rather be scolded than cheatothers. 我宁愿挨骂不愿欺骗人。 ebigear If I have to lie and steal, cheat or kill. 就算是去说谎、偷窃、欺骗或杀人。 kekenet If I want to be elected, I cheat the producers not the nomads. 如果我想被选上,我欺骗生产者而不是牧民。 yeeyan If you look for faults in your partner, or expect them to cheat, you’ll push them away and only make it more likely. 如果你在你的同伴身上找毛病,或者期望他们作弊,你就会排斥他们并且觉得很可能发生。 yeeyan In fact, nobody has exact answers behind the psyche of men and why do they cheat. 事实上,他们为什么要欺骗,除了这个男人自己知道,没人可以给出准确的答案。 yeeyan In future, the cheat will either not deal with him or will do so more honestly. 以后,这个骗子或者不再与其打交道,或者将更真诚地与其交往。 ecocn It is beneath him to cheat. 他那行骗行为有失他的身份。《21世纪大英汉词典》 Many Kenyans think you have to cheat to survive. After all, the wages of the poor are tiny. 许多肯尼亚人也都认为他们只有通过欺骗才能生存,毕竟穷人的工资实在太低。 ecocn Since there is no actual professor to watch you take a test, they depend on your hard work and integrity not to cheat. 尽管这里没有真实的教授监督你考试,但他们完全取决于你的努力学习和你不欺骗的正直。 yeeyan So you may eat more than you normally would—and your weekend cheat backfires. 所以你就可能比平时吃得多,这是周末作弊产生的反作用。 yeeyan We are original, so that means we never cheat! 我们是原创,所以也就是说我们没有作弊。 yeeyan What celebrity could you cheat on your spouse with guilt free? 什么样的名人可以使你在欺骗配偶之后,不会内疚呢? yeeyan Why do some men and women cheat on their partners while others resist the temptation? 为什么有些人会欺骗自己的伴侣,而另一些能抵抗住诱惑? yeeyan Yet others cheat on. 仍有其他国家继续欺骗。 ecocn Your trust in her is misplaced; she'll cheat you if she can. 你对她信任错了,她一有机会就会欺骗你的。《21世纪大英汉词典》 |