

单词 cheapskates
释义 cheapskates ˈtʃi:pskeits COCA¹⁰⁷⁰¹³BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
n.美俚守财奴;吝啬鬼cheapskate的名词复数原型cheapskate的复数 Commonly people consider Sherlock, Harpagon, Grandet, Pliushkin and Yan Jiansheng all are famous cheapskates in the literary world.
通常认为,夏洛克、阿巴公、葛朗台、泼留希金和严监生都是吝啬鬼的著名典型。 dictall

For instance, before interviewing several dozen cheapskates, I had no idea that there are legions of people who keep an empty McDonald's coffee cup in the car.
比如,在与几十个守财奴访谈前,我根本就不知道有很多人在车上放一个空的麦当劳咖啡杯。 yeeyan

I just finished listening to a waitress on a local radio talk show. The topic was the rudeness of some guests, and how some“ cheapskates” leave horrible tips.
我刚刚在收音机上听到了一个餐馆女服务员的脱口秀,主题是关于食客不礼貌的表现,以及有些只给一点点小费的吝啬鬼。 linewow




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