

单词 cheaper
释义 cheap·er 英'tʃiːpər美'tʃiːpər 高ICOCA⁶⁵⁵⁰BNC³³¹⁴Economist¹⁰³¹
形容词 cheap:
relatively low in price or charging low pricestastelessly showyof very poor quality; flimsyembarrassingly stingy
用作形容词We've got somecheaperones in the back room.我们后面的房间里有一些比较便宜的。
It ischeaperto use corium in the long run, for it is last long.从长远来看,使用真皮革是比较便宜的,因为真皮耐用。adj.inexpensive
同义词 competitive,economical,low-cost,low-priced,reasonableat a bargain,bargain,bargain-basement,bargain-counter,bought for a song,budget,buy,cheapo,cost next to nothing,cut-price,cut-rate,depreciated,dime a dozen,easy on the pocketbook,half-priced,irregular,low tariff,lowered,marked down,moderate,nominal,on sale,popularly priced,real buy,reduced,sale,slashed,standard,steal,uncostly,undear,utility,worth the money
反义词 expensive,unreasonablecostly,dear,excellent,noble,precious,priceless,sophisticated,superior,upper,valuable,worthyadj.inferior, low in quality
同义词 poor,badbase,bogus,cheesy,common,commonplace,crappy,dud,flashy,garbage,garish,lousy,mangy,mean,mediocre,meretricious,ordinary,paltry,ratty,raunchy,rotten,second-rate,shoddy,sleazy,small-time,tawdry,terrible,trashy,trumpery,two-bit,valueless,white elephant,worthless,tatty,catchpenny,cruddy,glitzy,junky,no bargain,no good,rinky-dink,rubbishy,scroungy
反义词 upper,sophisticated,superior,priceless,precious,noble,dear,costly,worthy,valuable,excellent,expensiveadj.low, vulgar
同义词 dirtyabject,base,beggarly,contemptible,despicable,dishonest,mean,shabby,sordid,sorry,tawdry,vile,pitiable,scurvy
反义词 upper,sophisticated,superior,priceless,precious,noble,dear,costly,worthy,valuable,excellent,expensiveadj.concerned with saving money
同义词 tightmean,miserly,penny-pinching,stingy,thrifty,mingy,tight-wad
反义词 upper,sophisticated,superior,priceless,precious,noble,dear,costly,worthy,valuable,excellent,expensive A good idea or product such as a cheaper X- ray machine or better wind turbine can be plugged into a global system of sales and manufacturing.
一个好的理念或产品,比如廉价 X光机或更优质的风力涡轮机,都可以纳入全球范围的销售和制造体系中。 ecocn

And because80% of the parts were common to all three versions, maintenance and logistics would be simpler and cheaper.
由于所有三种型号飞机共用80%的零部件,所以维护和后勤将变得更加简单和廉价。 yeeyan

And its fresh food is not obviously cheaper than at local markets.
而且新鲜的食品和当地市场比显而易见地不便宜。 yeeyan

Because of government action, he continues, rice in Liberia is cheaper than in neighboring countries.
他接着说,由于政府采取了行动,利比里亚的大米比邻国便宜。 ecocn

Bentos are not only healthier than food in restaurants, they are cheaper. As you eat less, it costs you less.
便当非常实惠:与餐厅的食物比起来,不仅健康,而且还便宜。你吃得越少,花的越少。 yeeyan

But they also have cheaper tickets.
但是也有一些便宜的票。 edu.sina.com.cn

For a cheaper, albeit not quite as direct method, rise above the Arctic Circle around the summer solstice and spend a night and see the sun above the horizon circle.
还有个虽然不是很直接但是比较便宜的方法就是在夏至左右,在北极圈起飞,花一个晚上看太阳从地平线升起。 yeeyan

For a healthier—and cheaper— option, do a little preparation over the weekend.
为了得到更加健康、廉价的选择,在周末做一点准备吧。 yeeyan

I have been driven back on cheaper cigarettes by the rises in prices.

I know that smaller one is cheaper, but I do prefer this one.
我知道小一点的那个会便宜一些,但我确实喜欢这个。 hxen

If we wanted to punish China for taking away our jobs with its undervalued currency, we should have done so three years ago, when the renminbi was15% cheaper than today.
如果我们想借人民币被低估争抢我们就业岗位之机来惩罚中国的话,我们早在三年前就应该这么干了,那时人民币还比现在便宜15%。 yeeyan

If you charge for licenses, free software will be100 cheaper than your product.
如果您收取许可证费用,免费软件将比您的产品便宜100。 ibm

In this case, the rows must still be visible to user queries but there is a desire to move these seldom accessed rows to cheaper, lower performance storage.
在这种情况下,行必须对用户查询可见,但是需要将这些很少被访问的行转移到更便宜的、性能更低的存储上。 ibm

Parts are cheaper for all the American cars like yours.
美国车的零件都很便宜,像你的那辆。 ebigear

The country has a large appetite for raw materials and that includes scrap metals, waste paper and plastics, all of which can be cheaper than virgin materials.
中国对原材料有非常大的兴趣,其中包括了废金属物、废纸质品与塑料废品,所有这些材料都将比原材料廉价。 ecocn

They appear to be okay, they look good, they’re easy and cheaper for now, but when the storms move in, they crumble.
它们表面看起来还可以,而且现在看来十分方便和便宜,但是当暴风雨来临时,它们就崩溃了。 yeeyan




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