

单词 cheapening
释义 cheap·en·ing 英'tʃiːpən美'tʃiːpən 高COCA¹⁰⁶⁹⁰³BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
lower the grade of something; reduce its worth近义词 at在cut切mark记号down向下from出自lower低的slash猛砍scorn轻蔑shame羞愧alloy合金price价格scoff嘲笑demean贬低reduce减少budget预算degrade降格devalue贬值detract减损belittle轻视discount折扣disgrace耻辱misprize轻视diminish减少scoff at嘲笑denigrate诋毁disparage蔑视mark down记下depreciate贬值downgrade使降低budget price廉价detract from减损mortify 使 … 受辱undervalue低估价值humiliate使 … 蒙羞

Misconduct thatcheapeneda high office.身居要职却做出的有损威信的错误行为
It's onlycheapeningyourself to behave like that.那样做只能使你自贬身价。as in.degrading
同义词 demeaning,derogatory,disgraceful,humiliatingdowngrading,lowering
degradingadjective debasing
demeaning,derogatory,disgraceful,downgrading,humiliating,lowering A growing list of countries— from the United States to the European Union to Brazil— have complained that China has been cheapening its currency.
包括美国,欧盟及巴西在内的越来越多的国家在抱怨中国保持人民币汇率低估。 yeeyan

It's only cheapening yourself to behave like that.

Market analysts say factors from one end of the pricing chain to the other are stalling the benefits of cheapening crude.
他说,从定价链的一端到另一端,一些其他因素的存在使得原油的好处没有被最终传导下去。 yeeyan

Analysts said that in the long run, cheapening luxury products risks ruining images of exclusive brands and lowering the future price expectation of consumers.
分析师们说,从长远看,高档商品降价会有损害高级品牌形象、降低客户将来的价格预期的风险。 ebigear

Japan is too dependent on exports and its priority should be stimulating domestic demand and ending deflation, not cheapening the yen.
日本过于依赖出口,但是其更应该优先通过刺激国内经济以及应对通货紧缩,而不是一味的让日元贬值来应对危机。 ecocn

Many bemoan what they see as the cheapening of the area.
许多人都在抱怨,说这片区域在不断自降身价。 i21st

Monetary stimulus works by fooling people into believing the value of money while the central bank is cheapening it.
央行通过欺诈,一方面愚弄百姓,让他们相信货币的价格,一方面却大势印刷钞票。 bbs.ccnu.com.cn

More Fed intervention could ultimately do the global economy good — especially if it gets China to stop cheapening its currency and squeezing out the rest of the world's exports.
更多的美联储干预最终有利于全球经济,特别是如果美联储阻止中国低廉的货币和挤压世界其他国家的出口。 blog.sina.com.cn

One of the key reasons living standards rose from the 1800s onward was because of the cheapening of energy and the reliability of energy sources.
生活水平从18世纪开始不断提高的关键原因之一便是因为能源不断减价以及能源的可靠性。 yeeyan

President Obama is facing increasing domestic pressure to force China to change its policy of cheapening up its currency.
美国总统奥巴马正面临国内越来越多的压力,迫使中国修改货币政策促使人民币升值。 yeeyan

Cheapening oneself only incurs more disrespect from others.
发贱只能使别人更加地不尊重你。 nciku




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