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词汇 cheap
释义 cheap 英tʃiːp美tʃipAHDchēp ★★★★☆常小初中高研牛4COCA²³⁸⁶BNC²²³²iWeb¹²¹⁷Economist⁷⁶²


low in price and good value for money


low in price and of little value or low quality


of behaviour offensively unpleasant and showing a lack of principles or sincere feelings

relatively low in price or charging low prices;

it would have been cheap at twice the price

inexpensive family restaurants

tastelessly showy;

a flash car

a flashy ring

garish colors

a gaudy costume

loud sport shirts

a meretricious yet stylish book

tawdry ornaments

of very poor quality; flimsyembarrassingly stingy

❌ The price of the hat is cheap.

✔️ The price of the hat is low.

✔️ The hat is cheap.


❌ I bought it because the price was cheap.

✔️ I bought it because the price was low.


cheap, inexpensive


cheap有时可指价钱虽便宜,但质量不一定好; inexpensive则主要指质量不低于其价格,公认不贵,便宜。例如:

The car was inexpensive.那部汽车是便宜的。下面两个句子的意思不同:Apples are the cheapest in autumn.在秋季,水果中苹果最便宜。
Apples are cheapest in autumn.苹果在秋季最便宜。inexpensive,cheap










来自古英语ceap,原本是个名词,表示“交易”、“贸易”。伦敦现在还有一条街道叫做齐普赛德街Cheapside,中世纪时因商铺林立而远近闻名。后来,cheap一词的含义发生了微妙的变化,变成了购买者对交易的评价和感知,如常用短语good cheap表示“划算的交易”,因此cheap一词逐渐衍生出“划算的、便宜的”之意。由于很多人认为便宜即劣质,所以cheap也常常被赋予“劣质的”、“小气的”等贬义。
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词cheap books特价书cheap car ticket便宜车票cheap chair劣质的椅子cheap conduct虚伪的行为cheap dress廉价衣服cheap drink便宜饮料cheap emotion虚伪的感情cheap entertainment便宜的娱乐cheap flattery虚伪的赞扬cheap hotel廉价饭店cheap material廉价材料cheap novels便宜小说cheap painting劣质绘画cheap picture劣质图片cheap price低价cheap route省钱路线cheap seat便宜座位cheap shop廉价商店cheap store廉价商店cheap travel便宜旅行cheap trip经济的旅游cheap work容易得到的工作cheap vegetables便宜蔬菜cheap victory容易取得的胜利副词+~absurdly cheap便宜得没道理amazingly cheap便宜得令人吃惊attractively cheap便宜得诱人contemptibly cheap虚伪地可耻fairly cheap相当便宜的incredibly cheap便宜得令人难以相信indubitably cheap不容置疑地便宜laughably cheap卑贱地可笑miserably cheap令人悲痛地劣质phenomenally cheap特便宜pitifully cheap可悲地虚伪really cheap真便宜ridiculously cheap便宜得可笑undoubtedly cheap无疑便宜unreasonably cheap便宜得不合理unspeakably cheap便宜得无法形容动词+~feel cheap感到惭愧hold sth cheap小看某物make oneself cheap干出降低自己声誉的事~+动词不定式not cheap to live in the city在城里生活开销大~+介词cheap at卖价便宜cheap for对…来说便宜cheap in在…方面便宜cheap in make制作粗糙cheap of it活该,罚得轻
用作形容词 and nasty

质量低的,虚有其表的 of low cost and bad quality

cheap at the price

无论价钱多么高都值得 so well worth having that the price, however high it is, does not seem too much

cheap skate

守财奴,一毛不拔者 a person spends or giving unwillingly

hold cheap

轻视某人或物 consider sb/sth to be of little value or importance

make oneself cheap

做出让人看不起的事 do sth which causes other people to respect one less

on the cheap

便宜地 not dear

非常记忆che车〖拼音〗+ap苹果〖熟词apple〗⇒车上的苹果很便宜小学英语速记联想记忆:这艘ship轮船非常cheap便宜的近义词 bargaineconomy反义词 dearnoblecostlysuperiorexpensive
~+ n.You can send for these seeds at a very cheap price.你可以用极便宜的价格邮购这些种子。
The cheapest articles at the sale were quickly snapped up.大减价中最便宜的物品很快被抢购一空。
Many children were exploited as cheap labour in factories.许多儿童在工厂里作为廉价劳动力受到剥削。
His toolbox was always stocked with a quantity of cheap brass screws.他的工具箱里总是备存着大量的廉价黄铜螺丝钉。
The army won a cheap victory over the enemy, who had few guns and soldiers.部队轻而易举地取得了对人员武器皆不足的敌人的胜利。
He is the cheapest man in town.他是城里最节约的人。
I hate his kind of cheap humour.我讨厌他那种低级的幽默。n. +~In such store you can get nothing cheap.在这种商店你买不着便宜货。
When she goes shopping she picks up anything cheap.她采购时总挑选便宜货。
Have you found anything cheap here?你在这儿发现便宜东西了吗?
S+be+~In the middle of the summer, fresh oranges are dear, but in the winter months they are cheap.仲夏时节的鲜桔很贵,但在冬季的几个月里却很便宜。
The shirts were cheap and sold out fast.这些衬衫很便宜,很快就卖完了。
It's said this house will go cheap.据说这房子廉价出售。
Buy now, the goods are going cheap.买吧,减价了。
It's cheap, but on the other hand the quality is poor.它是便宜,但另一方面质量差。
There is no real economy in buying old ones, even if they are cheap.买旧的,即使便宜,也并非真的经济。
I felt very cheap because I'd lied to my friend.我觉得很惭愧,因为我对朋友撒了谎。
When everyone except me contributed money,I felt very cheap.除我以外大家都捐了款,我当时很惭愧。
After giving in to his desire she said she felt cheap.屈服他的愿望后,她说她感到惭愧。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseIt is rather cheap at this price.这东西卖这个价钱是相当便宜的。
Bread is cheap in this shop; it costs twice as much across the street.这家店里的面包便宜,对面那家要贵一倍。
The dresses are dirt cheap in the other shop.在别的店这衣服非常便宜。
Fresh vegetables are very cheap in the summer.新鲜蔬菜在夏季很低廉。S+be+~+to- vThese shoes are too cheap to wear.这些鞋质量太差,不经穿。Pcheapnessn.廉价Pcheaplyad.便宜地Pcheapenv.减价跌价Pcheapies便宜货商店Pdog-cheapa.非常便宜的Pcheapener降价剂降低价格剂Pcheapjackn.兜售便宜货的叫卖小贩cheap-Jackn.流动小贩廉价/劣质商品经销者; cheap-Johnn.流动小贩廉价/劣质商品经销者




同义词 competitive,economical,low-cost,low-priced,reasonableat a bargain,bargain,bargain-basement,bargain-counter,bought for a song,budget,buy,cheapo,cost next to nothing,cut-price,cut-rate,depreciated,dime a dozen,easy on the pocketbook,half-priced,irregular,low tariff,lowered,marked down,moderate,nominal,on sale,popularly priced,real buy,reduced,sale,slashed,standard,steal,uncostly,undear,utility,worth the money
反义词 expensive,unreasonablecostly,dear,precious,priceless,valuableadj.inferior, low in quality
同义词 bad,poorbase,bogus,catchpenny,cheesy,common,commonplace,crappy,cruddy,dud,flashy,garbage,garish,glitzy,junky,lousy,mangy,mean,mediocre,meretricious,no bargain,no good,ordinary,paltry,ratty,raunchy,rinky-dink,rotten,rubbishy,scroungy,second-rate,shoddy,sleazy,small-time,tatty,tawdry,terrible,trashy,trumpery,two-bit,valueless,white elephant,worthless
反义词 excellent,noble,precious,priceless,sophisticated,superior,valuableadj.low, vulgar
同义词 dirtyabject,base,beggarly,contemptible,despicable,dishonest,mean,pitiable,scurvy,shabby,sordid,tawdry,vileadj.concerned with saving money
同义词 tightmean,mingy,miserly,penny-pinching,stingy,thrifty,tight-wad
Philistineadjective coarse
affordableadjective inexpensive
badadjective poor quality
abominable,amiss,atrocious,awful,bad news,beastly,blah,bummer,careless,cheap,cheesy,crappy,cruddy,crummy,defective,deficient,diddly,dissatisfactory,downer,dreadful,erroneous,fallacious,faulty,garbage,godawful,grody,gross,grungy,icky,imperfect,inadequate,incorrect,inferior,junky,lousy,not good,off,poor,raunchy,rough,sad,slipshod,stinking,substandard,synthetic,the pits,unacceptable,unsatisfactory
badderadjective poor quality
abominable,amiss,atrocious,awful,bad news,beastly,blah,bottom out,bummer,careless,cheap,cheesy,crappy,cruddy,crummy,defective,deficient,diddly,dissatisfactory,downer,dreadful,erroneous,fallacious,faulty,garbage,godawful,grody,gross,grungy,icky,imperfect,inadequate,incorrect,inferior,junky,lousy,not good,off,poor,raunchy,rough,sad,slipshod,stinking,substandard,synthetic,the pits,unacceptable,unsatisfactory
baseadjective vulgar, low
basestadjective vulgar, low
abject,abominable,cheap,coarse,common,contemptible,corrupt,depraved,despicable,disgraceful,dishonorable,disreputable,foul,grovelling,humble,ignoble,immoral,indelicate,loathsome,lowly,mean,menial,offensive,paltry,pitiful,plebeian,poor,scandalous,servile,shameful,shoddy,sleazy,sordid,sorry,squalid,trashy,ugly,unworthy,vile,worthless,wretched It is not hard to do when money is so cheap.
在货币还是很便宜的时候,这不难做到。 yeeyan

On the face of it, that sounds like a scenario straight out of cheap science fiction. But even if the odds of calamity are small, why gamble?
乍看起来,这种情况,听起来好像是直接来自廉价科幻小说的情节。虽然造成灾难的可能性很小,可是为什么要去冒险呢? yeeyan

On the other hand, if states are careful they could provide an answer to the question that has vexed America for years: how to provide good, cheap health care.
另一方面,如果州政府们认真的话,他们能为那个困扰美国人多年的问题提供答案,即怎么提供优质的便宜的健康关怀。 ecocn

This, they say, is partly because the competition to provide credit is so fierce, however cheap it is.
他们说,这部分是因为提供贷款的竞争是如此激烈,尽管它们非常便宜。 ecocn

Yet you might infer that some manufacturing will return to the West from cheap centres of production in China and elsewhere.
你可能推测一些制造业将从廉价的制造业中心如中国或其他地区重新返回西方。 ecocn

And that was cheap!
那还是便宜的呢! yeeyan

Anyway, we have warm houses and cheap hot water.
不管怎样,我们还有温暖的家和廉价的热水。 ebigear

Around almost every college and university in China are cheap apartments and bungalows for rent, where lots of graduates like Ye live.
在中国,几乎每所高校附近都有廉价的公寓和平房出租,那里居住着许多像叶东这样的毕业生。 kekenet

But how do they know that an import is too cheap?
可是它们是如何知道一种进口商品过于便宜的呢? ecocn

But this depends on education and policy“ nudges”, not cheap rice.
但这取决于教育和政策“推动”,而不是便宜的大米。 ecocn

For now, we should just be happy that there is someone to do these jobs so we can buy cheap stuff.
因此我们应该能为自己购买到那些愿意做这些工作的人生产的廉价物品而感到高兴。 yeeyan

Her neck was bedaubed with cheap necklace.

Her skirt was bedaubed with cheap finery.

If we do it ourselves, only cheap energy from hydropower will do.
如果靠自力更生,只有靠水电站带来的廉价能源了。 yeeyan

Never buy what you do not want because it is cheap; it will be dear to you.
不要买虽然便宜但你并不需要的东西;因为它对你而言是非常昂贵的。 ebigear

The car went very cheap.

They also could supply your need of cheap goods.

They are still very, very cheap, because the production is so big.
他们现在依然非常廉价,因为产量是如此巨大。 hxen

They say“ Talk is cheap, ” because it is.
人们说“语言是廉价的”,因为确实如此。 yeeyan

This coat is as cheap as that one.
这件衣服同那件衣服一样便宜。 examw

Yes, we have no cheap bananas today.
是的,今天没有便宜的香蕉。 yeeyan




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