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词汇 chE
释义 chE.
abbr.=cholinesterase 【生】胆素酯脢
A previously unpublished diary by the Argentine- born revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara has been unveiled in Cuba.
在阿根廷出生的革命家埃内斯托•切•格瓦拉一份此前未发表的日记在古巴公开。 hxen

A young woman in a Che Guevara T-shirt blesses the group and a man projects material downloaded from the internet from his laptop onto the wall.
一名身穿切·格瓦拉提恤衫的年轻女性正在为人们祝福,另外一名男子把从互联网上下载的资料播放到墙上的便携计算机上。 yeeyan

And all that remains of Che is the myth and the merchandise.
然后,关于格瓦拉,剩下的只有神话和买卖了。 yeeyan

But Che, like Caridad, actually believed it.
但是格瓦拉,就像女仆 Caridad一样,却是实际信奉这些信条的人。 yeeyan

Despite Che's professed goal of food and education for all, he felt no obligation to provide for his own family.
尽管格瓦拉公开宣称要为所有人提供食物和教育,他对于抚养自己的家庭却毫无义务感。 yeeyan

For all his talk about liberation, what Che apparently liked most was killing people.
在所有他关于解放的讲话中,格瓦拉明显地表现出对杀人更感兴趣。 yeeyan

Four decades after his death, the visage of Che Guevara survives him as a symbol of passion, idealism, and restless discontent with the status quo. In fact, as time passes, his celebrity grows.
死去四十年之后,格瓦拉反而活成了一个代表着“激情”、“理想主义”、“永不懈怠的进取”的符号,随着时间的流逝,对他的纪念不减反增。 yeeyan

He smokes cigarette after cigarette and has not changed out of the Che Guevara T-shirt and blue jeans he wore on that frantic afternoon.
他在那一根接一根地抽烟,总是穿着地震那天下午那身衣服:切·格瓦拉的 T恤衫加牛仔裤。 ecocn

La Poderosa's journey ended in a ditch in Chile, Che's in a ditch in Bolivia.
拉波特若沙的旅行结束在智利的阴沟里,而格瓦拉是在玻利维亚的阴沟里翻了船。 yeeyan

Moments of happiness or calm are fleeting, barely felt, as when Che waits for Dial in a car with the window open, “the soft breezewashing across his skin”.
当“琪”坐在开着窗户的汽车内等待黛尔时,欢乐与平静的时光飞逝而过,他几乎感觉不到它们的存在,就象“绵软的微风轻拂过他的皮肤”。 ecocn

On the wall, this not Britney Spears or the Che posters, but the portraits of the leaders.
墙上海报上并不是布兰妮又或者是切·格瓦拉,而是他们的领袖。 yeeyan

Ooh Che- chang, a member of the National Assembly and spokesman for the Democrat Party, admits the blockade is “ not right”.
Ooh Che- chang禹济昌*,国会议员与民主党的发言人,承认封锁“并不正当”。 ecocn

Such objections are mostly nonsense, says Ulrich Müller of CHE, a think-tank.
智囊团 CHE里的 Ulrich Müller说,这些反对大多是胡扯。 ecocn

The charisma ascribed to Che seems to be connected to his raw passion and drive.
格瓦拉被罩上的超凡魅力光环似乎与他的粗暴和激情有关。 yeeyan

These clever bed sheets were designed to promote Che Men’s Magazine.
这些很巧妙的床单是为推销男人杂志“ Che”而设计的。 yeeyan

This is why the utopia Che envisioned for Cuba never materialized but morphed into a nightmare.
这就是为什么那个格瓦拉幻想中的乌托邦在古巴从来没有成为现实,相反却变成了恶梦。 yeeyan

To Che, individuals didn't matter except to the extent that they served the revolution.
对格瓦拉来说,除非为革命服务,否则个体没有任何意义。 yeeyan

Until then, take off your Che Guevera beret and stopcongratulating yourself.
等到那时,脱下切格瓦拉的贝雷帽,停止祝贺你自己吧。 yeeyan

Che Guevara was born in Rosario and shortly after his death the revolutionary Marxist had, along with Bob Marley smoking a jazz cigarette, cornered the market in student posters.
切·格瓦拉生于罗萨里奥,他死后不久,革命的马克思主义者,以及抽着爵士香烟的鲍勃·马利垄断了学生海报的市场。 yeeyan

Che, having seen poverty and lived in squalor, had by this time become convinced that only a Marxist revolution could remedy the world’s ills.
曾经目睹过贫困,住过贫民窟的格瓦拉这时被说服只有一场马克思主义革命才能够解世界人民于倒悬。 yeeyan

Che also took up the task of remaking Cuba according to the Marxist vision, which included assuming command of Cuba's national bank and taking charge of industry.
格瓦拉还负责按马克思主义式的愿景对古巴进行改造,包括掌管古巴的国家银行和工业。 yeeyan




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