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词汇 Chatterjee
释义 Chatterjee
Cutting a political deal now, argued Hedegaard and environmental advocates such as Chatterjee, makes more sense than holding out for a perfect agreement.
海嘉德与像查特吉那样的环保主义者都认为,达成务实的政治协定,比达成一项事事完美的协议更切合实际。 yeeyan

That is leading Dr Chatterjee to suggest that the two big impacts did take place at different times.
据此,查吉特教授推断两次撞击并不是同时发生的。 topsage

The government motion received275 votes with256 against, Speaker Somnath Chatterjee said, hours after adjourning the debate amid claims of vote buying.
发言人Somnath Chatterjee说,在数小时的关于此次投票是否有作弊现象的争论后,政府共获275张赞成票,256张反对票。 yeeyan

Dr Chatterjee therefore suggests that an object40km in diameter hit the Earth off the coast of India and forced vast quantities of lava out of the Deccan Traps.
因此,查特基博士认为,一个直径40千米的物体在印度海岸撞击地球,造成德干地盾喷发大量熔岩。 yeeyan

Dr Chatterjee has found a bigger crater— much bigger— in India.
他发现在印度有一个比希克苏伯陨石坑大——大很多的陨石坑。 topsage

Dr Chatterjee’s analysis shows that it formed from a sudden upwelling of magma that destroyed the Earth’s crust in the area and pushed the mountain upwards in a hurry.
查特吉教授的分析表明这座山是由于岩浆突然涌出而形成的,这些岩浆摧毁了这一地区的地壳,并迅速将这座山向上推起。 ecocn

Dr Chatterjee presented his latest findings on Shiva to the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America in Portland, Oregon, on October18th.
10月18日,美国地质学会在波兰特俄勒冈州召开年度会议,会上查特吉教授提出了其有关希瓦的最新发现。 ecocn

In our continuing series on health financing, Patralekha Chatterjee reports on a scheme that is providing health care to families living below the poverty line.
在我们关于卫生筹资的连续丛刊中, Patralekha Chatterjee报道了为生活在贫穷线之下的家庭提供卫生保健的一项方案。 who

Ironically, it was while he was investigating the Deccan Traps that Dr Chatterjee came across the evidence for Shiva.
讽刺的是,正当查特吉教授对德干岩群展开调查的时候,他却无意中发现了有关希瓦的证据。 topsage

Other MIT authors are graduate students Michael Boyer and Kamalesh Chatterjee, postdoctoral associate Yayu Wang, and former postdoctoral associate Takeshi Kondo.
其他作者包括麻省的研究生麦克泊伊尔、卡玛雷士卡特基、博士后王亚愚和前博士后近藤武。 yeeyan

Patralekha Chatterjee is a writer and photographer based in New Delhi.

The authors, Arijit Chatterjee and Donald Hambrick, of Pennsylvania State University, examined narcissism in the upper echelons of105 firms in the computer and software industries.
研究报告作者、宾西法利亚大学的阿里伊特•查特叶和唐纳德•汉姆布里克调查了105家计算机和软件公司的上层人士自恋状况。 ecocn

Vinayak Chatterjee, chairman of Feedback Infra, a firm which advises on and helps implement projects, jokes about a“ decision- paralysis-linked slowdown”.
Feedback Infra是一家为工程实施提供咨询和服务的公司,其主席 Vinayak Chatterjee将此戏称为“决策麻痹迟缓症”。 ecocn

Chatterjee points to other attempts to tackle the social factors that affect health.
Chatterjee还提到为解决影响健康的社会因素所采取的其他尝试。 who




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