

单词 chat rooms
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闲聊室; 聊天室原型chatroom的复数
名词 chat room:
a site on the internet where a number of users can communicate in real time typically one dedicated to a particular topicFree web-basedchat roomswith attitude.泉州聊天室。
Please provide a chat room name.请输入聊天室名。 Across the Internet, chat rooms, Web sites and blogs have sprung up discussing buttock injections.
互联网上,聊天室里,网站和博客上都涌现出关于臀部注射的讨论。 ebigear

All this technology, texting, chat rooms and social networking brings a host of dangers with it.
这类型的科技:发短信啦,聊天室啦,社交网站啦,带来了许多危险。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Call center agents can mingle in chat rooms to gossip about work and life, sharing everything from recipes to baby pictures.
客服人员可以聚在聊天室里,无所不谈,侃侃工作和生活,甚至还分享菜谱和孩子的照片。 hjenglish

It would impose stricter control over all internet traffic, including chat rooms, as well as individual bloggers.
这将会对因特网的全局通信——包括聊天室和私人博客——实行更加严格的控制。 ecocn

It's okay to express your opinions online in forums like chat rooms or message boards, but don't start arguments with people.

Lots of existing chat rooms available.
地段现有的聊天室。 bbs.wda.com.cn

Much of the research on online communication has looked at email, but it seems that many of the results can be generalised to apply to chat rooms and forums too.
许多网络传播的研究都集中在电子邮件上,然而我发现它的结论通常也能推广一下,应用到聊天室和论坛上。 ywsy

The Foshan strike leaders organized and communicated with more than600 workers by, among other means, setting up Internet chat rooms on QQ.
佛山罢工领导者通过在 QQ上建立网上聊天室组织和沟通了超过600名工人。 yeeyan

There were chat rooms, discussion groups, dating, classified ads—you name it.
当年有聊天室、讨论组、约会以及分类广告,无奇不有。 yeeyan

They set out to neutralize undesirable public opinion by pushing pro- Party views through chat rooms and Web forums, reporting dangerous content to authorities.
通过在聊天室和网络论坛里宣传关于党的正面观点,他们努力中和负面的公众意见,并向政府举报网络中的危险内容。 yeeyan

Today, influences on purchasing decisions may come from almost anywhere in the world, via Internet chat rooms, blogs and other means.
现今,影响购买决策的可能近乎来自于世界各地-通过互联网聊天室、博客等其它方式。 yeeyan

You may see these forms in informal written French such as on blogs or in chat rooms, but you should still write the formal way.
你可能会在非正式的法语书面语中见到它们例如在博客或聊天室中,但在你自己书写时仍应注意规范。 yeeyan

Chat rooms on the stricken website had distributed information on the whereabouts of fires and corralled volunteers into joining the battle to douse the flames.
被攻击网站的聊天室已经将着火地点下发给用户,分发了关于火灾的下落,召集志愿者加入到扑火战斗中。 yeeyan

Chat rooms and message boards focusing on movies.

Chat rooms are filled with interested parties asking, “Can this be true?”
聊天室里充满了相关各方的疑问:“这是真的吗?” yeeyan




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