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词汇 Chateauroux
释义 Chateauroux
Heaps of metal and tangled wire litterChateauroux's concrete surface on which all the dismantling and recycling takes place.一堆堆废铁和纠缠如麻的线路,零散丢弃在沙特鲁水泥地上,所有拆卸和回收都在这里进行。
Chateaurouxairport is run by Martin Fraissignes , who estimates as many as 8,000 aircraft may be retired in the next decade.沙特鲁机场是由身兼机队回收协会执行主任的佛雷塞恩总管,他估计,未来十年,有多达八千架飞机将退役。
A spectator known as Didi and dressed as a devil, jumps beside a pack of riders during the fifth stage of the 95th Tour de France cycling race between Cholet andChateauroux, July 9, 2008.第95届环法自行车赛第五环节的赛程是从绍莱骑到沙托鲁,图为一名打扮成恶魔模样的观众,在参赛骑士经过的时候跳了起来。
To celebrate the anniversary, the couple planned a family lunch with a champagne toast at their home in the village ofChateauroux, in central France, Mrs.Debray said in a telephone interview.为了要庆祝周年,夫妇在Chateauroux的村庄他们的家用一片香槟酒土司面包计画一份家庭午餐,在中央的法国,Debray太太在一次电话面谈中说。




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