

单词 chastisement
释义 chas·tise·ment 英tʃæ'staizmənt美tʃæ'staizmənt ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁷²⁸⁴⁰BNC⁶³²³⁷iWeb³⁰¹⁹⁵

verbal punishmenta rebuke for making a mistakechastise严惩
chastise-ment行为|结果⇒n.惩罚近义词 rod杆rebuke指责penalty处罚censure责难scolding责骂reprimand训斥correction订正punishment惩罚discipline纪律telling-off责骂castigation惩罚chastening惩罚性的

用作名词I think thechastisementto him is too critical.我认为对他的惩罚太严厉了。
We should inflict severechastisementon criminals.我们应该对罪犯施加严厉的惩罚。noun.punishment
同义词 castigation,chastening,criticism,discipline,penalty,rebuke,reprimand,reproof
反义词 award,compliment,forgiveness,praise,reward
castigationnoun punishment
correctionnoun discipline
correctionsnoun discipline
desertsnoun what is due one
chastenings,chastisement,comeuppances,compensations,deservings,disciplines,disciplinings,dues,get hers,get hises,guerdons,lumps,meeds,merits,payments,penalties,punishments,recompense,requitals,retribution,returns,revenge,rewards,rights,talions,what is coming to ones,what one is asking fors
disciplinenoun punishment
castigation,chastisement,comeuppance,correction,getting yours,hell to pay,punition,rod
disciplinesnoun punishment
conduct,controls,cultivations,curbs,developments,domestication,drillings,drills,educations,exercises,inculcation,indoctrination,limitations,methods,orderliness,practices,preparations,regulations,restraints,self-commands,self-controls,self-governments,self-masteries,self-restraints,strictness,subordinations,willpower,wills It can offer no hope of personal immortality, no threats of Divine chastisement, no promise of eventual recompense for injustices suffered, no blueprints to sure salvation.
无神论不能提供个人永生的希望,不能发出神灵惩戒的威慑,不能给人们所遭遇的不公作出最后补偿的承诺,不能制定拯救灵魂的确切方案。 tdict

Leading a retinue to rival a king, these clerics are outlawed in Sweden but still deliver holy chastisement to the foes of Denmark and Norway.
由于他们与国王相悖,这些教士被瑞典宣布放逐,但依旧存在于丹麦挪威,随时准备对任何敌人施以威严神圣的惩罚。 www.totalwar.honga.net

Chapter Two is the situation of our country's legislation and objection of chastisement system of juvenile delinquency.
本论文在体系上分为三章,具体安排如下:第一章是“未成年人犯罪制裁体系概述”。 fabiao

Fritz was a very awkward child who had been summoned for chastisement again and again.
费里兹是个很笨拙的小孩,他常常受到处罚。 easeparts

It is the measure of wisdom, the measure of sympathy, the measure of love, by which our chastisement is regulated.
同样的,上帝对我们每一次的管教与雕琢,都是出于上帝的智慧和爱。 blog.sina.com.cn

It was a minor rule, rather like rudeness, punishable only by gentle chastisement.
这只是一条小规则,跟无礼差不多,可能只是温和的惩戒一下。 easeparts

Let us not shrink from a hard lesson or wince under any rod of chastisement.
让我们不要畏缩难学的功课,和逃避教鞭的惩罚了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Lily, he decided, would have to learn that soon, or she would be called in for chastisement because of her insensitive chatter.
莉莉,他决定了,将必须立即开始学习这件事,不然他会被叫进来为了她不尊重别人的瞎说而受到处罚。 easeparts

Sanctions can range from chastisement to a brief stay in jail.
制裁的范围可以从惩罚到短暂的监禁。 ecocn

Since his chastisement Mr Gibbs has insisted stoutly that he expects the Democrats to hold on to both chambers.
由于受到的谴责,吉布斯先生一直都强硬的表示他希望民主党人在两院中坚守。 yeeyan

We expect that. We hoped, also, that he would present himself promptly for chastisement, and he has always done so.
我们期待。我们也希望,须受惩罚时她会立刻把自己交出来,而他每次都有做到。 easeparts

Where there is crime, there is chastisement. Compared to the adult crime, juvenile delinquency are more special, so the chastisement system on this two kinds of cases are much different.
有犯罪就有处置,由于未成年人犯罪与成年人犯罪相比,具有极大的特殊性,因此,两者的制裁体系也应当有所不同。 fabiao




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