

单词 chastised
释义 chas·tise·d 英tʃæ'staɪz美tʃæ'staɪz 高COCA⁴⁵²³⁶BNC⁶¹⁶⁷⁹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
censure severely;

She chastised him for his insensitive remarks

chastise with scorpions鞭打,加以重刑来自…
近义词 rail栏杆scold责骂punish惩罚rebuke指责censure责难reprove责备upbraid斥责penalize处罚tell off分派restrain抑制correct正确的castigate惩罚reprimand训斥objurgate怒斥discipline纪律chasten(通过惩罚而使坏习惯等…

用作动词Should I applaud my husband orchastisehim?我是该称赞还是责罚我的丈夫呢?
The leaderchastisedthat man who made a mistake.领导严厉惩罚了那个犯错误的人。
Our governmentchastisedthe behaviors of NATO.我国政府强烈谴责了北约的行为。
My father used tochastisemy brothers with whips.父亲过去常以鞭打惩罚我的兄弟。as in.punished
同义词 chastened,dismissed,imprisoned,penalizedbirchedcastigatedconfined,correcteddebarreddefrocked,executed,exiled,expelled,flogged,grounded,immured,incarcerated,lectured,reproved,scolded,sentencedspankedswitched,whipped
反义词 cleared,exonerated,released
punishedadjective disciplined
birchedcastigatedchastened,confined,correcteddebarreddefrocked,dismissed,executed,exiled,expelled,flogged,grounded,immured,imprisoned,incarcerated,lectured,penalized,reproved,scolded,sentencedspankedswitched,whipped The leader chastised that man who made a mistake.
领导严厉惩罚了那个犯错误的人。 websaru

At an EU summit in 2008, when the financial crisis was raging, Nicolas Sarkozy chastised the commission for being too zealous in upholding competition.
在2008年欧盟峰会上,当时金融危机刚开始肆虐,尼古拉斯·萨科齐指责委员会过份热心于支持竞争。 yeeyan

Barkley once again chastised LeBron's words, saying he made another“ stupid decision”.
巴克利又一次批评了勒布朗的言论,说“你做了有一个愚蠢的决定”。 yeeyan

Former U.S. Senator George McGovern chastised his fellow Democrats for abandoning it through card- check.
美国前参议员乔治麦戈文严厉抨击他的民主党同事们,因为他们以卡片检查的方式抛弃了无记名投票权。 yeeyan

Gore chastised those who have proposed opening new areas for oil drilling as a solution to U.S. energy problems.
格尔批评了那些提议开发新油田来解决美国能源问题的人。 yeeyan

He chastised and blindfolded me, and took me upstairs.
他惩罚了我并蒙上了我的双眼,把我带到了楼上。 yeeyan

He chastised North Korea and Iran, warning of consequences if they don't back down from their nuclear programs.
他严厉谴责了朝鲜和伊朗,并对两国如不放弃其核计划将面临何种后果提出了警告。 奥巴马的讲话获得了与会各国领导人的热烈欢迎。 iciba

His wife chastised him. Obviously, she said, the friend needed to talk about what he was going through.
他的老婆说了他几句,她觉得这个朋友摆明了需要找个人聊聊离婚的事。 www.internet.org.cn

His wife chastised him.
他的妻子责备了他。 yeeyan

In its ruling, the court chastised Wang, who admitted his infidelity, and said it had reduced the amount of the fines because of his moral lapses.
在判决中,法院对王进行了申斥。王对出轨一事表示承认。法院还说,因为王在道德上的过失,他所得到的罚金数额降低了。 rr365

Last week Cameron was chastised by Gingerbread, the single parents’ charity, for championing marriage.
上周卡梅隆接受了 Gingerbread的惩罚,这是一个倡导单亲家庭婚姻的慈善团体。 yeeyan

On numerous occasions, senior regime figures have chastised the country's feisty populist president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, for stirring up needless trouble with his bellicose rhetoric.
在许多场合,年老的政治家都会指责走平民路线的坏脾气总统 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad用自己好战的辞藻煽动制造出毫无必要麻烦。 topsage

She chastised him for his insensitive remarks.
她严惩了他迟钝的谈论。 hotdic

Since Paul Otellini took over as chief executive a year ago this month- the first boss from sales, not engineering- the company has been chastised for placing marketing ahead of technology.
自从保罗·奥特里尼——第一个销售出身而不是技术的老板——担任首席执行官以来,其将市场置于技术之前的做法已经受到了教训。 ecocn

The comment marked the first time the US Treasury had publicly chastised S& P.
这也是美国财政部首次公开斥责标普。 blog.sina.com.cn

The companies chastised on Monday appeared to be those particularly active in offering search engines or hosting blogs and chat forums.
可以看出,周一被点名的都是在网络搜索、博客和论坛运营方面特别活跃的企业。 yeeyan

There are however several myths that have not been publicly chastised for their ridiculous nature, and often are still believed to be truth rather than fiction.
然而仍有一些关于性的谣传并未因其荒唐的本质而被人们唾弃,甚至于很多人信以为真。 yeeyan

They chastised the government for lacking vitality and strength.

Though she meant well, she was often chastised for being the teacher's pet.
虽然她是好意,可她因为是老师的宠儿而常被惩罚。 wizbcn




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