

单词 charring
释义 char·ring 英tʃɑr美tʃɑr COCA⁹¹³⁷²BNC⁶⁸⁸⁰⁹
名词 char:
a charred substancea human female employed to do houseworkany of several small trout-like fish of the genus Salvelinuscharring spot炭化斑charring reagent炭化试剂pile charring土法炭化charring ablator炭化烧蚀体charring ablative material炭化烧蚀材料,碳化烧…charring layer炭化层
用作名词The sodium silicate makes the cork stick to the mold surface and also helps to withstand thecharringaction of the molten lead alloy.硅酸钠能使软木粉粘结在模具表面,而且还有助于软木粉耐受熔融铅合金的碳化作用。 A technology of dipping, chemical activation- drying- pyrolysis, charring used for manufacturing activated carbon adsorbents from sewage sludge was discussed.
采用先活化剂浸泡活化在干燥热解炭化的化学活化法制备污泥含炭吸附剂。 dictall

Char formation of wood was markedly accelerated by FRW, which indicated that catalytic charring effect of FRW on wood is the primary side in its fire-retardation mechanism.
FRW阻燃处理能显著提高木材燃烧时的成炭率,说明催化成炭是 FRW阻燃机理的主要方面。 cnki

The composition of charring wastewater is complex and variable.
焦化废水成分复杂且多变。 cnki

The sapwood had all rotted away and after man handling the log into position and charring it to blacken it we simply cast it into the polished concrete floor to support the house above.
边材都腐烂了,我们把原木搬到正确位置再把它碳化成黑色,最后把它放置在光滑的混凝土地面上用来支撑房子上部结构。 arch.mr926.me

The thermal degradation and charring of both larch lignin and manchurian ash lignin in the condensed phase were comparatively investigated by using TGA, FTIR and XPS.
用 TGA, FTIR和 XPS等手段对落叶松木质素和水曲柳木质素凝聚相的热降解过程及成炭行为进行对比研究。 dictall

This paper discusses in detail the problem on the mass loss and endothermic mechanism for charring material.
详细讨论了低温炭化材料的质量损失和吸热机理。 cnki

Anderson suggesting cooking meat thoroughly enough to kill bacteria but avoiding charring.
安德森建议烹调肉类应煮彻底足以杀死细菌,但要避免炭化。 yeeyan

Appropriate amount of mica could improve the charring of VMQ at high temperature, but excessive amount of mica could accelerate its degradation.
适量云母能提高硅橡胶高温成炭效果,但过量时会加速硅橡胶的分解。 cnki

Flames were coming from a human being; his body was slowly withering and shriveling up, his head blackening and charring.
火焰从人体上腾起,他的身体慢慢地萎缩干枯,他的头颅渐渐烧焦变黑。 yeeyan

Having experimented by charring our oak post, we continued with this technique on an area of timber cladding at ground floor level and are monitoring its performance.
在我们的橡木经过炭化试验后,我们继续对首层一块区域的木材包层的表现进行处理,并检测效果。 arch.mr926.me

Laser cosmetic surgery is the use of laser thermal effect of the lesion to solidification, charring, or vaporization.
激光美容术是利用激光的热效应对病损进行凝固、炭化或汽化。 tianya

Numerical simulation of the process of insulator erosion was conducted by using charring ablation code.
运用炭化层厚度准则方法对冲刷条件下的绝热层烧蚀过程进行了数值模拟。 cnki

The experimental results show that different kinds of insulation have different charring ablative rates.
实验表明:不同材料的绝热层在加速度作用下烧蚀率明显不同。 cnki

The main influencing factors for the density including moisture percentage of the raw materials, diameter grade, the speed of drying and charring, the shape of the charcoal kiln, and refining.
影响黑木炭密度的主要因素有原料含水率和径级、干燥与炭化速度、炭窑窑形及精炼。 cnki

They are charring wood in a kiln.

You will feel you are very ancient, so ancient like an original charring plant.
你会觉得你很古老,老得象一个炭化的原生植物。 news.99ys.com

Charring erosion of insulator and two phase particle heat flux increment model was applied to analyze erosion rate of insulator under various longitudinal and transverse acceleration.
应用绝热层炭化冲蚀和两相流粒子热增量模型,分析了实验发动机在多种纵、横向过载作用下的绝热层冲蚀规律。 cnki




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