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Charonne 基本例句 沙罗纳¹⁰⁰ The wine-shops of the Rue deCharonnewere, although the union of the two epithets seems singular when applied to wine-shops, grave and stormy.夏罗纳街上的那些饮料店是严肃而汹涌澎湃的,虽然把这两组形容词连在一起来谈那些店是显得有些特别的。 Nearly the whole of the descent of the market-gardeners from Montreuil, fromCharonne, from Vincennes, and from Bercy to the markets was accomplished through the Rue Saint-Antoine.凡是从蒙特勒伊、夏罗纳、万塞纳、贝尔西去市场的蔬菜贩子几乎全是由圣安东尼街走的。 “ ”Go to Filspierre, between the BarriereCharonneand the Barriere Montreuil, and you will find work.“到费斯比埃家里去,他住在蒙特勒伊便门和夏罗纳便门之间,你在那里能找到活计。” |