

单词 charmingly
释义 charm·ing·ly 英'tʃɑːmɪŋli美'tʃɑːmɪŋli 高COCA³⁹⁴⁸²BNC²⁸³⁰⁶iWeb²⁸⁶⁷¹

in a charming mannercharming迷人的
近义词 prettily非常地delightfully大喜adorably可崇敬地gracefully优美地appealingly上诉地attractively有吸引力地enchantingly夺人心魂地

as in.agreeably
同义词 affably,affirmatively,amiably,amicably,appropriately,benevolently,cheerfully,convivially,favorably,genially,good-humoredly,good-naturedly,graciously,happily,kindly,mutually,obligingly,peacefully,pleasingly,politely,satisfactorily,sympathetically,well,wonderfully
反义词 dissenting,unpleasantly,unwillinglyas in.beautifully
同义词 appealingly,attractively,delightfully,elegantly,exquisitely,gorgeously,gracefully,handsomely,magnificently,seductively,splendidly,sublimely,superbly,tastefully,wonderfullyalluringly,bewitchingly,celestially,cutely,divinely,entrancingly,excellently,ideally,prettily
反义词 poorlyas in.gracefully
同义词 adroitly,beautifully,delicately,easily,elegantly,graciously,neatly,nimbly,skillfully,smoothlyagilely,artistically,daintily,delightfully,dexterously,exquisitely,felicitously,fitly,handsomely,harmoniously,pleasingly,rhythmically,sprucely,symmetrically,tastefully,trimly
反义词 awkwardly,gracelessly,grotesquelyinsipidlyas in.nicely
同义词 admirably,attractively,beautifully,finely,happily,perfectly,pleasantlyacceptably,agreeably,amiably,creditably,desirably,distinctively,enjoyably,excellently,felicitously,graciously,pleasingly,pleasurably,triumphantly,winningly
反义词 badly,incorrectly,mistakenly,unfortunately,unsuccessfully,wronglyas in.nicely
同义词 invitingly,politely,winsomely
反义词 badly,incorrectly,mistakenly,unfortunately,unsuccessfully,wronglyas in.pleasantly
同义词 cheerfully,happilypleasingly,welcomelyas in.politely
同义词 amiably,attentively,cordially,gently,graciously,kindly,respectfully,tactfullycourteouslyaffably,agreeably,benignantly,civilly,compassionately,concernedly,considerately,elegantly,gallantly,gracefully,ingratiatingly,kindheartedly,sociably,solicitously,urbanely,winninglyas in.sweetly
同义词 gently,gratefully,lovingly,pleasantly,softly,warmlyagreeably,comfortably,kindly,smoothly
agreeablyadverb willingly, assenting;pleasantly;in keeping
beautifullyadverb in an attractive or pleasing manner
gracefullyadverb lithely
nicelyadverb in a becoming manner
pleasantlyadverb agreeably
politelyadverb thoughtfully
affably,agreeably,amiably,attentively,benignantly,charmingly,civilly,compassionately,concernedly,considerately,cordially,courteously,elegantly,gallantly,gently,gracefully,graciously,ingratiatingly,kindheartedly,kindly,respectfully,sociably,solicitously,tactfully,urbanely,winningly By this natural wonder he was totally amazed, goggle- eyed, and at a side glance spotted clusters of camellia, which danced in the moonlight charmingly.
面对这造化的奇景,只瞧得目瞪口呆,惊叹不已,一斜眼,只见湖畔生着一丛丛茶花,在月色下摇曳生姿。 blog.sina.com.cn

I’m the last person to argue against anyone’s love of New York, Paris, or any other city, and Woody Allen is certainly entitled to see it as charmingly as he wants.
我最不愿反对任何人对纽约,巴黎或者其它城市的爱,艾迪·伍伦当然也有资格让巴黎要多迷人就多迷人。 yeeyan

In the movie, the main character called “ Po, ” a panda, is talkative, humorous, lovely and charmingly naive, and is widely believed to be a typical American figure.
电影的主角“阿宝”是一只爱唠叨、幽默、可爱天真、讨人喜欢的熊猫,但同时它也被普遍认为是一个典型的美式角色。 ebigear

One such diamond in the rough is Kyril Bonfiglioli's “The Mortdecai Trilogy”, a set of three crime novels starring a charmingly snobbish art dealer, originally published in the1970s.
库里尔•邦飞利的“ Mortdecai三部曲”就是这样一部未经雕琢的钻石。20世纪70年代由一个势力的艺术商人出版的三个罪犯领衔主演的小说集。 ecocn

The book is charmingly written and a delight to read.
此书叙事动人,读之令人悦然。 ecocn

The little telephone that so charmingly told us how to dial on that first day long ago is now a barrier to quick communication.
在很久之前的第1天,那么迷人地告诉我们如何拨电话号码的小电话图标现在成为快速通信的障碍。 jukuu

Twisty Tracks is a charmingly whimsical game where the player turns sections of track, linking a railway in order to collect treasure, including gems, coins, and treasure chests.
一场暴风雪将你埋藏在地下的宝石吹散到了世界各地,你必须依靠自己的努力将它们重新收集起来。 rar88

“ MONKEY money” is how Guy Dollé, chief executive of Arcelor, charmingly dismissed a hostile bid earlier this year from Indian- born Lakshmi Mittal, who runs and largely owns Mittal Steel.
阿赛洛首席执政官Guy Dollé用“猴子钱”风趣地回绝了米塔尔钢铁公司老总印度人 Lakshmi Mittal今年年初充满敌意的收购。 ecocn

A source close to the Groupon board describes Mason as “ thoughtful, ” and“ charmingly goofy.”
一位接近 Groupon董事会的报料人说,梅森“有思想”,同时又“傻得可爱”。 yeeyan

According to the report, China's“ leftover” men and women, as unmarried denizens aged over30 or so are charmingly called, face significant health risks.
根据该报告,中国的“剩”男带女,虽然30岁以上的未婚居民们也是如此迷人,但面临重大的健康风险。 yeeyan

An evening of laughter and charmingly sweet pop songs, the Altar Boyz will leave me humming to their tunes long after they have departed for the next stop on their tour.
一晚上的阵阵笑声和甜蜜蜜的流行歌曲,《祭坛男孩》让我一直哼著他们的歌曲,直到他们离开此地,转往下一个演唱地点之后很久很久。 blog.sina.com.cn

As I was about to leave the store, the saleslady smiled charmingly. “ By the way, are you still interested in the sunglasses? They look so good on you.”
在我要离开免税店的时候,售货小姐迷人的微笑着说:“对了,你喜欢那个墨镜么?看起来真的很适合你。” yeeyan

China's national treasures, giant pandas only charmingly naive, peony and opening up is the richest moment of time! China! I love you!

For the last twelve years, I've made my living writing computer games and selling them over the Net using the marketing technique that was once charmingly known as shareware.
在过去的12年里,我一直在编写计算机游戏并通过曾红极一时的共享软件技术进行网络销售,并以此为生。 ibm

Initially the two look like proper ladies out for a stroll, a pantomime that gives way to funny faces and charmingly goofy choreography.
一开始,两个人看上去像正常的女士走在路上,搞笑的鬼脸和欢快的傻气舞蹈有如哑剧一样让她俩原型毕露。 yeeyan

Kjaerstad, who's a charmingly understated character, is also on first- name terms with the prime minister and the psychiatrist who is analysing Breivik to decide whether or not he is sane.
卡杰斯塔有着迷人而朴素的性格,他可以用名字称呼首相或者分析布莱维克是否正常的精神科医生。 yeeyan

My room, one of six, fit two people comfortably and was charmingly decorated in teak with silk cushions and Thai art.
我的房间是全船6 个房间中的一间,可供两人舒适生活,用柚木装饰得漂漂亮亮的,并配有丝绸垫子和泰国艺术品。 chinaedu

She touched the unhappy with fingers that were charmingly pure and fine.
她用她那纤细白暂的手指接触病人。 ebigear

She walked straight toward me and smiled charmingly.
她径直地向我走了过来,面带着迷人的微笑。 hotdic




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