

单词 charged
释义 charged 英tʃɑːdʒd美tʃɑrdʒd ★☆☆☆☆高COCA³¹²⁰BNC²⁸²⁶iWeb¹⁴²⁸⁶Economist¹⁸²⁸
adj.紧张的⁴²;充电的³¹;荷电的¹⁸动词charge的过去式和过去分词.原型charge 的过去式和过去分词
of a particle or body or system; having a net amount of positive or negative electric charge;

charged particles

a charged battery

fraught with great emotion;

an atmosphere charged with excitement

an emotionally charged speech

supplied with carbon dioxidecapable of producing violent emotion or arousing controversy;

the highly charged issue of abortion

charge责任charged traffic收费的运输charged atom带电原子charged corpuscle带电微粒charged state充电状态charged duration收费时长not charged免费的,不收费的…charged cloud荷电云charged dislocation带电位错charged with控告negatively charged带阴电荷的charged particle带电粒子charged rollers进料辊charged pressure充气压力,充入压力…charged body带电体charged ion带电离子
charg-ed如|被…的⇒adj.紧张的⁴²;充电的³¹;荷电的动词charge的过去式和过去分词.近义词 laden装满的electric电的alleged声称的aerated充气的emotional感情的stimulating刺激的exciting令人兴奋的explosive爆炸性的thrilling毛骨悚然的supercharged增加动力的反义词 uncharged卸货

用作形容词Cairo University student elections begin amidchargedatmosphere.开罗大学学生会在紧张的氛围中开始选举。adj.bought but not paid for
同义词 debited,owed,owingon account,on credit,put on one's accountadj.loaded
同义词 emotional,fraught,intensefilled,full,imbued,laden,permeatedpervadedsaturated,suffusedadj.accused
同义词 arraigned,taxedconfronted with
bookedadjective arrested
imprisoned,jailed,locked up,taken into custody,under arrest
deferredadjective put off till a later time
adjourned,assessed,charged,delayed,funded,held up,in waiting,indebted,negotiated,on hold,on the shelf,pigeonholed,postponed,prolonged,protracted,remanded,renegotiated,scrubbed,stalled,staved offtemporized
electricadjective energetic
enforcedadjective in force
advocated,carried out,charged,compelled,constrained,demanded,dictated,enjoined,established,exacted,executed,forced upon,imposed,invoked,kept,ordained,prescribed,pressed,prevalent,required,sanctioned
excitedadjective inspired;upset
aflame,agitated,animated,annoyed,aroused,awakened,beside oneself,charged,delighted,discomposed,disconcerted,disturbed,eager,enthusiastic,feverish,fired up,frantic,high,hot,hot and bothered,hyperactive,hysterical,in a tizzy,inflamed,juiced up,jumpy,keyed-up,moved,nervous,on edge,on fire,overwrought,passionate,piqued,provoked,roused,ruffled,steamed up,stimulated,stirred,thrilled,tumultous/tumultuous,wild,wired,worked-up,zipped up
explosiveadjective volatile, dangerous
at the boiling point,bursting,charged,consequential,convulsivedetonatingdetonative,ebullient,eruptive,fiery,forceful,frenzied,fulminant,fulminating,hazardous,impetuous,meteoric,overwrought,perilous,raging,rampant,stormy,tense,touchy,ugly,uncontrollable,unstable,vehement,violent,wild Applying a voltage to the device pushes charged bubbles up from the metal, radically reducing the semiconductor's resistance and making it into a full-blown conductor.
向开关加上电压会促使带电的泡沫从金属中向上移动,这样从根本上降低了半导体的电阻和使它变成一整套的导体。 yeeyan

The initial searches were free, although each service charged a premium for some of the data it uncovered.
最初的搜索是免费的,虽然每项服务会为提供的资料收取一点管理费。 yeeyan

And so not only is aluminum highly charged, but it is physically small.

Basically what he did is he took a very thin metal foil and he bombarded it with charged particles.

Being a minor, he would not be charged as an adult for a criminal act.
作为未成年人,他将不会因犯罪行为像成人一样被起诉。 ebigear

But sellers can still encourage people to sort themselves into groups which can be charged different prices.
但是出售方仍然可以鼓励人们分成不同的小组,这样就可以收取不同的价格。 ecocn

For those who have been charged, the question remains whether they should be tried in the tribunals or in the civilian courts.
对于那些已经被起诉的人,问题又回到了对他们的审判应在军事法庭亦或民事法庭进行上来。 ecocn

He was apparently not part of the swap because unlike the other10 agents, he was not charged with a crime.
明显,他不是交换的一部分,因为与其他10名间谍不同的是,他未受到犯罪指控。 yeeyan

He was charged with murder but found innocent later.
他被控杀人,但后来发现他是无罪的。 putclub

He's been charged with extorting protection money from the shopkeepers.

However, rather than prosecuting him for the bombings, the government charged him with lying about his part in them and about how he entered the United States, and for obstructing its investigations.
然而美国政府并未就爆炸案起诉他,而只是控告他没有如实交代自己在爆炸案中所扮演的角色以及潜入美国的途径,并且妨碍司法调查。 ecocn

If eventually charged, he may well contend that the cash was for donations to the charity, not bribes for himself.
如果最终他被起诉,他将圆滑地辩解为现金是慈善捐款,不是给他自己的贿赂。 ecocn

It would not be fair to conclude from any of this that the Kremlin is guilty as charged.
克里姆林宫如同受指控般感到内疚,由此得出任何结论都可能是不公平的。 ecocn

It serves as a lesson— one we should heed, by the way, in these days of politically charged hatred, of blaming our ills on immigrants and minorities.
它作为一个教训——我们应该谨慎,顺便说一句,在这些天政治上气氛紧张的敌意,埋怨我们的移民者和少数民族。 yeeyan

People who have been trafficked should not be detained, charged, prosecuted or summarily deported, she stressed.
被贩卖的人不应该被拘留、指控、起诉、或被草率地驱逐出境,她强调。 yeeyan

Some suspects have yet to be charged.
和有些嫌疑人尚未被指控。 ecocn

Storage will be charged on each piece of baggage remaining at stations over24 hours.

The lights are caused by a flow of electrically charged particles to and from one of Saturn's moons.
这些光线的产生是由于在土星和它的卫星之间一些带电颗粒的运动造成的。 hxen

They charged him with murder.
他们指控他犯了谋杀罪。 kekenet

They charged treason against him.

Unfortunately, the finding violates the principle of electric neutrality, in which the differently charged molecules of an electrolyte like water cancel out.
不幸的是,这一个违反电中性的原理,在这个理论中不同带电的电解质如同水电解液那样是电中性的。 yeeyan

We charged them, I think500 dollars, which was all the money in the world .

Whether or not BP is charged with cruelty, there are many things that we can and should do other than just pointing a finger.
不管英国石油公司是否会被指控虐待动物,相较于只是一味指摘,我们有许多可以并且应该去做的事情。 yeeyan




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