

单词 chargeable
释义 charge·a·ble 英ˈtʃɑːdʒəbəl美ˈtʃɑrdʒəbəlAHDchärʹjə-bəl ☆☆☆☆☆高四八COCA¹⁶³⁷²⁰BNC¹⁶⁸⁹¹iWeb²¹⁸⁷⁶
liable to be accused, or cause for such liability;

the suspect was chargeable

an indictable offense

chargeable class of service symbol收费等级标志…chargeable time clock通话计时器chargeable time sender收费时间发送器…chargeable lamp报时灯, 通话时长指…chargeable time lamp报时灯non chargeable telegram不计费电报chargeable duration可充电时间chargeable minute计费分钟chargeable word计费字数chargeable time收费时间net chargeable income应纳税的纯入息…chargeable call收费通话chargeable telegram计费电报
charge-able能⇒adj.可控告的²⁸;可由某人负担的¹⁴;应课税的⁵⁸adj.应征收的;应支付的;应加罪的;受照顾的;应负的;可充电的;一笔钱;正常收入或其他所得;应指控的;应由某人负担的;可能被控的;可以控诉的;可记在某项账目上的;应由某人负责的;可支付的近义词 criminal罪犯serious严肃的liable有义务的amenable顺从的taxable应纳税的leviable可徵收的blamable可责备的punishable该罚的imputable可归罪的exactable可强求的accusable可指控的indictable可起诉的dutiable应纳关税的answerable有责任的assessable可估计的actionable可起诉的declarable应申报的responsible有责任的impeachable可控告的accountable负有责任的rateable可估价的按比例的…

用作形容词He ischargeablewith a fault or neglect.他可能因过失或疏忽而被控告。
Any expenses you may incur will bechargeableto the company.你的所有开销都可以由公司偿付。
The expense ischargeableon him.那笔费用该由他负责。
No profitschargeableto tax includes a loss case.没有应课税利润包括营业亏损。adj.(liable
同义词 answerable,imputable,responsible
amenableadjective able to be judged;responsible
answerableadjective responsible
accountable,amenable,bound,chargeable,compelled,constrained,liable,obligated,obliged,subject,to blame
dueadjective unpaid;owing money
IOU,chargeable,collectible,expected,in arrears,mature,not met,outstanding,overdue,owed,payable,receivable,scheduled,to be paid,unliquidated,unsatisfied,unsettled
guiltyadjective blameworthy;found at fault
accusable,caught,censurable,censured,chargeable,condemned,conscience-stricken,contrite,convictable,convicted,criminal,culpable,damned,delinquent,depraved,doomed,erring,evil,felonious,hangdogimpeachedin error,in the wrong,incriminated,iniquitous,judged,liable,licentious,offending,on one's head,out of line,proscribed,regretful,remorseful,reprehensible,responsible,rueful,sentenced,sheepish,sinful,sorry,wicked,wrong
indebtedadjective under an obligation
accountable,answerable for,appreciative,beholden,bound,bounden,chargeable,duty-bound,grateful,honor-bound,hooked,in debt,in hock,liable,obligated,obliged,owed,owing,responsible,thankful
liableadjective answerable, responsible
accountable,amenable,bound,chargeable,obligated,subject,tied A right of deduction shall arise at the time when the VAT due on the supply in respect of which the taxable dealer opts for application of the normal VAT arrangements becomes chargeable.
选择适用普通增值税协议的应税经销商就其提供商品应纳的增值税到期时,开始享有抵扣权。 bbs.translators.com.cn

Costs of repairs are chargeable on the owner of the building.
修缮费用可记在房主的帐上。 chinafanyi.com

For cargoes chargeable at the same rate, part of one ton shall be taken as one ton.
以相同费率收费的货物,不够一吨将视作一吨。 blog.sina.com.cn

In case more than one category of remote area is chargeable, the higher will be charged.
偏远地区附加收费中之额外地域收费,如多于一项或以上适用者,以较高一项收取额外费用。 http://www.topgunexpress.com

It proposes unified management, chargeable use and marketing collocation of shoreline resources.
港口岸线资源配置方式单一,缺乏市场化的资源配置机制; fabiao

Nothing in this subparagraph shall supersede fees chargeable under a statute specifically providing for setting the level of fees for particular types of records.
本段之规定均不得代替按其他法律为某种档案规定之收费标准所应收的费用。 jukuu

Re-inspection, for whatever reason, shall be chargeable to the exporter.
而不论哪种情况的复检,都应可向出口商征收费用。 gtihea.com

The charge price of nursing work is lower than actual costs, and there is little chargeable work that cannot reflect the nursing costs.
护理服务中,可收费的项目少,护理项目的收费低于核算出的成本,无法体现护理投入; cnki

The cost of obtaining a copyright in some cases is minor and therefore is chargeable to expense when paid.
有时获得版权的成本可能很小,因而可以在支付时记入费用。 ebigear

The crime is chargeable on him.
罪过可归咎于他。 hotdic

The Purchaser shall only be obliged to pay to the Supplier the rate of VAT chargeable in respect of the supply of Heparin Crude upon presentation of a valid VAT invoice.
在供方出示正式的增值税发票后,买方有义务付给供方在天然肝磷脂的供应上所纳增值税的比例金额。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

An optional chargeablefee-based function that allows you to create, import, and deploy virtual appliances in your environment.
可选的付费功能,允许在环境中创建、导入和部署虚拟设备。 ibm

As it's explained below, this device uses magnets and a dynamo to collect energy which can in turn be used to power up your phone or other chargeable device.
因为它的解释如下,该设备使用磁铁和收集能源发电机可以反过来用于功率您的手机或其他收费装置。 blogbus

Computation of railway container transport chargeable route and mileage is the basis of computing container whole quoted price.
铁路集装箱运输计费径路里程计算是计算集装箱全程报价的基础。 cnki

Currently, the major restrict factor for our chargeable battery to sale to the international market is that the quality of the chargeable battery is difficult to control.
目前,制约我国二次电池向国际市场发展的主要因素是质量问题难以保证。 cnki

He is chargeable with a fault or neglect.

If participants registered players and substitutes choose to stay in other hotel other than the official hotel, the same amount of entry fee given above will be chargeable by the organizer.
如参赛者包括注册球员及后备选择入住其他酒店,组委员仍须收取相同之报名费。 chongqing-kendo

In general, chargeable toilets are rather clean. So during the travel time, it's necessary for you to bring some change.
一般来说,有人收费的厕所应该是很干净的,所以旅行的时候有必要带一些零钱,有些地方甚至都会收取手纸的费用。 kekenet

It can automatically measure parameter of constant current charge or discharge of re- chargeable battery. The result is satisfied.
能自动地对可充电电池的恒流充电和放电特性进行测试,能满足对电池特性测试的要求。 cnki

It is said that the process will be chargeable soon in Russia. Even today access to some spots is available only to those who have special licenses.
据悉,不久之后,俄罗斯这项活动将被纳入收费项目,即使今天,也只有那些持有特殊许可证的人才能进入某些地区捕鱼。 yeeyan

Neither did we eat any man's bread for nothing, but in labour and in toil we worked night and day, lest we should be chargeable to any of you.
也没有白吃过人的饭,而是黑夜白日辛苦勤劳地操作,免得加重你们任何人的负担。 hdcatholic

The above chargeable items don't include tea-drinking expense in tea-drinking area, Japanese hall, Taiwan.
以上收费项目不包含品茗区、日本馆、台湾馆、英国馆品茶费用及全程导游费用。 yxcbg

These debts are chargeable to me my account.
这些欠款可记在我的名下帐上。 chinafanyi.com

This paper discusses all kinds of problems in use of chargeable battery. Then a dynamic parameters testing system has been developed.
讨论了可充电电池在使用过程中存在的各种问题,开发研制了可充电电池动态参数测试系统。 cnki

With the increasing awareness of environmental protection around the world, the chargeable battery will become the main development direction of Battery market in the next few years.
随着全球环保意识的增强,二次电池将成为未来几年电池市场发展的主要方向。 cnki




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