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词汇 adhesiolysis
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Objective To investigate the treatment of laparoscopicadhesiolysiscombined with fibrin glue for adhesive ileus.目的探讨腹腔镜肠黏连松解联合应用生物蛋白胶治疗黏连性肠梗阻的可行性及其疗效。
Its value lies not in theadhesiolysisbut in the diagnostic aspect of the procedure.因此应该强调腹腔镜手术而非黏连剥离手术的重要性。
However, laparoscopicadhesiolysisis associated with morbidity and provides no more relief of chronic pain than diagnostic laparoscopy alone.然而,腹腔镜黏连剥离手术并不健全,而且其疼痛舒缓的效果并不比单独进行腹腔镜手术更良好。
During diagnostic laparoscopy to confirm adhesions, 100 patients with chronic abdominal pain were randomized to treatment with laparoscopicadhesiolysisor to no intervention.在进行腹腔镜手术以确认黏结期间,有慢性腹部疼痛的100名患者经过随机化,分配至以腹腔镜黏连剥离手术或无任何干预的二组中。
Randomized trials have shown thatadhesiolysisis ineffective in improving outcome of treatment of pelvic pain,possibly because of adhesion reformation,thus it is the key to prevent adhesions.随机试验显示粘连松解术并不能有效治疗盆腔疼痛,可能与术后再粘连的形成有关,因此预防粘连的形成最为关键。
Laparoscope is used to examine chronic pelvic pain and have aadhesiolysisat the same time,but the outcomes ofadhesiolysisreveal ranging from no pain relief to pain relief in these patients.慢性盆腔痛常采用腹腔镜进行检查,检查的同时可行粘连松解术,但其疗效不一。




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