

单词 chaos
释义 cha·os 英ˈkeɪˌɒs美ˈkeˌɑsAHDkāʹŏs' ★★★☆☆高四六研GIST宝八COCA⁵⁰⁸²BNC⁴⁴⁸⁰iWeb⁴⁹⁷³Economist²⁶¹⁶


complete disorder or confusion

a state of extreme confusion and disorderthe formless and disordered state of matter before the creation of the cosmosGreek mythology the most ancient of gods; the personification of the infinity of space preceding creation of the universephysics a dynamical system that is extremely sensitive to its initial conditionsconfusion,disorder,disturbance,mess,chaos







用作名词 n.
动词+~cause〔create〕 chaos制造混乱形容词+~economic chaos经济混乱political chaos政治混乱介词+~in chaos一片混乱
cha裂开,空洞+os希腊语名词词尾,可视为名词后缀→空洞,虚空→混沌⇒混乱。发音记忆chao拼音“吵”+s音似死→吵死啦,一片混乱发音记忆chao拼音“吵”+s音似:死→吵死啦!→混乱GRE红宝书chao拼: 吵, s死: 吵死了-混乱
非常记忆chao吵+s死⇒吵死了到处一片混乱谐音记忆音“吵死”⇒混乱状态很吵发音记忆吵死 ⇒混乱近义词 disorderconfusion反义词 orderorganization
用作名词n.After the failure of electricity supplies the city was inchaos.停电后,城市一片混乱。
用作名词The wintry weather has causedchaoson the roads.因风雪交加,道路上混乱不堪。
After the failure of the electricity supplies, the city was inchaos.电力供应中断,城市陷于混乱之中。
Without rules, people would live in a state ofchaos.若无规则,人们将在混乱状态中生活。
Chaos often breeds life, when order breeds habit.混沌常常孕育着生命,而秩序会产生习惯。
The Chaos gods demand their souls.混沌邪神需要他们的灵魂。noun.utter confusion
同义词 anarchy,disarray,discord,disorder,lawlessness,pandemonium,tumult,turmoilataxia,bedlam,clutter,disorganization,entropy,free-for-all,misrule,mix up,mobocracy,muddle,snarl,unrulinessholy mess,rat's nest,topsy-turviness
反义词 arrangement,calm,harmony,order,orderliness,organization,peace,neatness,tidinessnormality,quiet,system
anarchynoun lawlessness;absence of government
confusion,disorder,disorganization,insurrection,lawlessness,mob rule,mobocracy,mutiny,nihilism,nongovernment,rebellion,reign of terror,revolution,riot,tumult,turmoil,unrest
bedlamnoun chaotic situation
clutternoun disarray, mess
confusednessnoun disorder
bedlam,chaos,clutter,confusion,derangement,disarrangement,disarray,disorderedness,disorderliness,disorganization,mess,mix up,muddiness,pandemonium,topsy-turviness,untidiness
confusionnoun disoriented state
abashment,ado,anarchy,astonishment,bustle,chaos,clutter,commotion,complexity,complication,consternation,daze,difficulty,disarray,discomposure,dislocation,disorganization,distraction,emotional upset,ferment,fog,fracas,haze,hodge-podge,imbroglio,intricacy,jumble,labyrinth,mess,mistake,muddle,mystification,pandemonium,perturbation,racket,riot,row,shambles,stir,stupefaction,surprise,tangle,trouble,tumult,turmoil,untidiness,upheaval,uproar,wilderness
disarrangementnoun disorder
chaos,confusion,disarray,disorderedness,disorderliness,disorganization,disruption,havoc,jumble,mess,mix up,muddle,scramble,shambles,topsy-turviness,tumble The local government was taking emergency measures to rectify the state of chaos.

“ These regions have shifted from chaos to more stable activity, ” he says.
“这些区域已经从混乱转向更稳定的活动,”他说。 yeeyan

Amid the chaos and violence, a group of family friends held a birthday party for him.
在混乱和暴力中,一些家庭朋友为庆祝这个孩子的生日举行了聚会。 iciba

As chaos signals do not interfere with each other, many could operate in the same area.
因为混沌信号不会互相干扰,在同一地区能够进行更多的管理。 yeeyan

At the critical point, however, you get maximum transmission with minimum risk of descending into chaos.
但是在临界点,你可以冒着最小的降到混沌的风险得到最大限度的传输。 yeeyan

But I am not terribly pleased by the chaos.
但是我并不觉得这种混乱有什么值得高兴的。 ibm

But the result has not been chaos.
但是这一结果没有引起混乱。 ecocn

By simplifying your life in this way, you create time for your happiness, and you reduce the stress and chaos in your life.
如果你能按照这样一种方式简单化你的生活,你就为幸福创造了时间,并且减少了生活中的混乱和压力。 yeeyan

Do we care that our choices have thrown whole industries into chaos?
我们会注意到我们的选择正使整个产业陷入混乱吗? yeeyan

God develops real peace within us, not by making things go the way we planned, but by allowing times of chaos and confusion.
神在我们里面建立真正的平安,不是藉著使事情照我们计划而行,而是允许我们经历混乱困惑。 ebigear

How can you sort out the order from the chaos?
如何才能从混沌世界中理出头绪来呢? ibm

If it uses that, it could help speed the transition from autocracy through chaos to a new order and improve its standing in the region.
如果美国利用它的影响,那么它将加速埃及从独裁经混乱到新秩序的转变,并能进一步改善它在这个地区的地位。 blog.sina.com.cn

If you run your team as if they were self- leading, but in reality they’re chaos, then before long you’ll be heading up a certain creek without a paddle.
如果你当他们是自我引导型的团队在运作,但其实他们事实上还是在混乱的状态,那么不久你就会在一条河上像没有桨似的乱窜。 cnblogs

In her works the spiralling spindle represented the beginning of chaos.
在她的作品里,旋转的纺锤代表了混乱的开始。 ecocn

In reality, your brain operates on the edge of chaos.
在现实中,你的大脑在混乱的边缘运算着。 yeeyan

Midnight, it is said, is the portal between this world and the next and is somehow in league with chaos, death, and mystery.
据说,午夜时分,是这个世界与下个世界之间的入口,从某种程度上来说是与混沌、死亡和神秘相联系的。 yeeyan

Now I begin to present some techniques that will help the teams turn chaos into order.
现在,我开始介绍一些能够帮助这些团队从混乱中走向清晰的技术。 ibm

That is the age of political chaos.

The city has restored order out of chaos.

We can take the cue from our fears and plunge the world into chaos.
我们应该从我们的忧虑中以及世界陷入混乱中获取暗示。 yeeyan

We don't want to abandon people without offering them any direction and the alternative would be chaos.
我们不希望放弃那些没有给他们任何指导的人和选择都会变得混乱。 yeeyan

What is chaos?
什么是混乱? http://source.yeeyan.org

You want to be focusing on the task at hand and your mind can’t do that surrounded by chaos, especially if you’re a man.
你想要集中注意力在手中的一个任务上但是你的思维因为被混乱包围而不能做到那样,尤其当你是一个男人的时候。 yeeyan




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