

单词 channelized
释义 chan·nel·ize·d 英'tʃænəlaɪz美'tʃænəlˌaɪz COCA²⁰⁹⁵⁸⁶
direct the course; determine the direction of travellingmake a channel for; provide with a channel;

channelize the country for better transportation

send from one person or place to another;

transmit a message

cause to form a channel;

channelize a stream

近义词 head头部guide向导point观点steer操纵channel频道direct直接的transfer转移transmit传达transport运输manoeuvre调动manoeuver作战行动channelise开辟沟渠maneuver巧妙地操纵
First, aiming at the problem of blind- zone, basing on reducing the multiple of decimation, the algorithm is improved, a mathematical model of non- blind-zone channelized receivers is derived.
针对其存在盲区的问题,以降低抽取率为基础,对该算法进行了改进,建立了无盲区信道化接收机模型。 dictall

First, under a channel spectrum partition given, a mathematical model of channelized receivers is derived, based on polyphase filters.
在给定信道频谱划分方案下,推导了基于多相滤波器的信道化接收机数学模型。 cnki

The present paper reported the primary study on random bandpass and band-rejection filter module utilizing surface acoustic wave channelized technology.
报道了我们研制的一种采用声表面波信道化技术的随机带阻滤波组件。 dictall

The trend of electronic reconnaissance in short wave is wide band reconnaissance, and channelized technology is the key of it.
宽带侦收是短波段中电子侦收的趋势,而其中信道化技术是关键环节。 dictall

A channelized jamming reconnaissance receiver is presented in this paper, and the false response, amplitude response and temperature drift are analyzed, which influence receiver performance.
给出了一种信道化的干扰侦察接收机,分析了虚假响应、幅度响应、温度漂移等影响因素。 dictall

But most of the previous studies for the channelized digital receiver only focused on the handling in a single channel, they didn't take into account the cross- channel problem.
但是以往的信道化数字接收技术的研究大部分集中在单个信道的处理上,并没有考虑到信号带宽出现跨信道的问题。 fabiao

Combined with a specific research project, the thesis conducts a systematic study of channelization processing of channelized receiver based on polyphase filters.

Digital channelized receiver is a typical application of software radio based on polyphase filters.
数字信道化接收机是基于多相滤波的软件无线电的典型应用。 cnki

In this paper the principle of“ Channelized Layout” and the design for channelized traffic at intersections are described.
本文论述了“渠化设计”的原理及其在交叉口上渠化车流的设计方法。 cnki

Millimeter wave circuits for precise guided weapons and channelized receivers are discussed in this paper.
讨论了毫米波精导武器和信道化接收机中的集成电路。 cnki

The second way is channelized intersection and signal optimization based on the geometric and traffic conditions of intersection.
二是根据交叉口的几何情况和交通状况,对交叉口进行渠化和信号优化设计。 fabiao

There are two difficulties when applying the channelized receiver to intercept a broadband phase coded signalPCS.
数字信道化接收机在侦收宽带相位编码信号时主要存在两个难点。 dictall

This paper discusses the basic principle of channelized receiver with high speed and efficiency based on polyphase filter and the actual implementation scheme of FPGA.
讨论了基于多相滤波器组的高速高效信道化接收机基本原理以及 FPGA具体实现方案。 dictall

Under the circumstance of modern electronic warfare, channelized receiver has been widely used as a kind of important receiver in the field of frequency measurement.
现代电子战条件下,信道化接收机作为测频领域一种重要的接收机已经得到了广泛的应用。 cnki

Wide-band digital channelized receiver is an important part of the new generation radar.
宽带数字信道化接收机是新一代数字化雷达的重要组成部分。 fabiao

With the wide application of Communication Interference Immunity, it's very necessary to realize the full- probability channelized receiver.
随着抗干扰通信体制的广泛应用,实现全概率信道化接收机是非常需要的。 fabiao




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