

单词 changed
释义 changed 英tʃeɪndʒd美tʃeɪndʒd 高COCA¹⁴⁸³BNC¹¹⁵²iWeb¹¹⁶⁴⁸Economist⁹¹⁰
made or become different in nature or form;

changed attitudes

changed styles of dress

a greatly changed country after the war

made or become different in some respect;

he's an altered or changed man since his election to Congress

changed in constitution or structure or composition by metamorphism;

metamorphic rocks

short-changed少给找头的change变化changed number signal改号信号changed number tone用户号改变音…changed record已变更记录changed number变更数字
近义词 new新的improved改良的different不同的reformed改革过的altered动词alter的过去式,…反义词 unchanged无变化的

用作形容词The order of events may bechanged.反应的次序是可以加以改变的。
An absolute constant is fixed and can not bechanged.绝对常数是固定而不可以改变的。adj.exchanged
同义词 alternatedbarteredcommutated,interchanged,reciprocated,replaced,restored,returned,reversed,rotated,shuffled,substituted,swapped,switched,traded,transferred,transposed
反义词 final,kept,permanent,placed,stabilized,stored,unchanged,unmodified,unvariedadj.altered
同义词 adapted,adjusted,aged,amended,conditioned,deteriorated,developed,edited,limited,matured,modernized,modified,moved,mutated,qualified,reconditioned,redone,reformed,remodeled,renovated,reorganized,rescheduled,revised,shifteddone over,reprogrammed
反义词 unlimited,unrestricted,youngfinal,kept,permanent,placed,stabilized,stored,unchanged,unmodified,unvariedadj.transformed
同义词 converted,metamorphosed,recreated,remadetransfigured transmuted
反义词 final,kept,permanent,placed,stabilized,stored,unchanged,unmodified,unvaried
affectedadjective deeply moved or hurt emotionally
convertedadjective convinced
correctedadjective rectified
differentadjective dissimilar, unlike
a far cry from,altered,antithetic,at odds,at variance,changed,clashing,colorful,contradistinct,contradistinctive,contrary,contrasting,contrastive,deviating,differential,discrepant,disparate,distant,distinct,distinctive,divergent,divers,diverse,incommensurable,incomparable,inconsistent,individual,like night and day,mismatched,mismated,offbeat,opposed,other,otherwise,particular,peculiar,poles apart,single,unalike,unequal,unrelated,unsimilar,variant,various
disguisedadjective unrecognizable
divertedadjective deflected
amused,averted,changed,entertained,preempted,rebudgeted,rechanneled,reclassified,redirected,sidetracked,taken away,taken over,turned aside,used On the other hand, you might find that one or both of you have changed so much in the time that has passed that there is NO going back.
另一方面,你或许会发现随着时间飞逝,你们中的一个或者两个都已经发生了很大的改变,并且不会有可能重回过去。 yeeyan

Because you have changed.
因为你自己改变了。 yeeyan

But he changed.
但是他改变了。 yeeyan

Facts have proved time and again the truth that energy can be changed from one form into another.

Four years ago, however, he changed his mind.
然而就在四年前,他改变主意了。 yeeyan

Have you ever changed your mind about something? I hope so.
你曾经改变自己对某事的看法吗?我希望有。 yeeyan

His goals have not changed.
但他的目标从未改变。 yeeyan

How has this changed and how do you respond to criticism of some of the initiatives?
请问这种情况是如何改变的。你如何回应针对某些活动提出的批评? who

How have your life experiences changed you?
你的人生经历如何改变了你? ebigear

I went there once again ten years later, but nothing changed. All stood there.

I wrote The Boy Who Changed the World so children can have proof that everything they do matters.
我写的《改变世界的男孩》这本书,为的是证明孩子们所做的一切都是很重要的。 yeeyan

It has the power to do this because it changed the law to abolish elections to these posts in2004.
克里姆林宫有能力做这些事情,因为在2004年它就改变法律,取消这些职位参加选举。 ecocn

Maybe, she has changed her mind.

Since the wind changed, they had to bring the ship round.

So I changed my mind.
所以我就改变主意了。 ebigear

Some applications have changed their default behavior to be in these lists of choices automatically at all times.
有些应用程序会随时自动地改变它们在这个选择列表中的默认行为。 ibm

Then, in an instant, everything changed.
但,所有事情改变在一瞬间。 yeeyan

These should all be the default settings, unless you've changed your preferences.
如果您没有改变您的首选项,这些应当都是缺省设置。 ibm

They have not changed.
它们一直没有改变。 www.voanews.com.cn

This in itself was an encounter with the past, like retuning to a place that once was familiar but has changed its appearance.
这本身就是跟过去的一次邂逅,就像回到曾经熟悉的、但却已经改变了其外貌的一个地方一样。 yeeyan

This can be a devil to debug because the authorization script may work one day and fail the next, and nothing in the script itself has changed.
这可能会影响调试工作,因为授权脚本可能在某一天正常工作,而在第二天失败,但脚本本身却没有发生任何变化。 ibm

Yet for all that, something has changed.
尽管如此,有些情况已经改变了。 topsage




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