

单词 Changcheng
释义 ChangchengCOCA²¹⁵⁸¹¹
Great Wall地长城站南极洲
Mr. Deng Changcheng, the writer, director and actor, is the promising young person good at Kung Fu in global movies circle, and the disciple of Mr. Jacky Chan, an international super star.
邓长城,集编、导、演为一身的世界功夫影坛的后起之秀、国际巨星成龙先生的弟子。 blog.sina.com.cn

A probable body fossil of worm was discovered in the GaoshanheGroup of the Changcheng System. It is most likely the oldest metazoan fossil at present in the world.
在长城系高山河群中发现的一种可能的蠕形动物实体化石,可能是目前世界上发现的最古老的后生动物化石。 cnki

Chapter Six is about the carrying out of the marketing strategy of Changcheng Insurance.
第六章是长城保险营销战略的实施。 fabiao

Characteristic of direct reduced iron and its present status in service in electric arc steelmaking Changcheng Company had been summarized, its effect has been analyzed further.
概述了直接还原铁的特性及在我厂电弧炉炼钢中的使用情况,并将其效果作了进一步分析。 chemyq

China Aluminum Industry Company China Branch and China Changcheng Aluminum Industry Company are large enterprises, of which the output of alumina is about 50% of that of country.
中国铝业股份有限公司河南公司及中国长城铝业公司是国内大型铝冶炼联合企业,氧化铝产量占全国一半左右。 www.jinshui.gov.cn

In Chapter Five, the author draws conclusions from Chapter Two to Chapter Four, and points out the strategic goals and emphasis in the development of Changcheng Insurance marketing.
第二章至第四章分析的结论,提出了长城保险营销发展战略目标和重点。 fabiao

Later, Tianchuang turned to general manager of Changcheng for requesting to solve the problem through consultation.
后来他们数次来人,来电找长城公司的总经理,要求协商解决此事。 blog.sina.com.cn

Pre- Changcheng System Dunhuang Group in the eastern section of Dunhuang Block is the oldest crystalline basement in that plate form block, which consists of a suit of greestoneformation.
敦煌地块东段前长城系敦煌群是该台块最古老的结晶基底,为一套绿岩建造。 chemyq

Strata- bound lead-zinc ore deposit occurred in striped dolomite of the fifth member in Gaoyuzhuang Formation Changcheng System in Guanmenshan.
关门山层控铅锌矿赋存于长城系高于庄组五段条带状白云岩中。 cnki

Therefore, cultural preservation of the Changcheng is the preservation not of an individual artifactthe wall but of a cultural system people and customs.
因此,长城的文化保护,不是个体文物墙的保护,而是文明系统民族民俗的保护。 blog.sina.com.cn

Today, the area is less a tourist area than an“ open-air museum, ” and the Changcheng has been subject to narrow“ preservation” as a wall standing atop a mountain range.
现在的长城景区,与其说是旅游景区,还不如说是一个“露天博物馆”,长城被狭隘地“保护”为一堵墙,竖立在山峦之上。 blog.sina.com.cn

Where is Changcheng Hotel?
长城饭店在哪里? quizlet.com

Yihuan road. The bridge connects two districts of Foshan, Changcheng and Shunde.
一环路。大桥是连接着佛山两个区,禅城和顺德。 dictall




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