释义 |
ChandonCOCA⁶⁹⁰⁰¹BNC³⁸⁷⁸⁸ 基本例句 尚东¹⁰⁰ Fresh strawberries and kiwi fruit shaken with gin and apple juice then crowned with Moet &Chandonbrut champagne.琴酒与新鲜草莓和奇异果缀以些许香槟。 I ordered a glass of Moet andChandonImperial Rose Champagne to sip on while reviewing the wine list and the menu.我点了一杯玫瑰酩悦香槟王,一边啜饮一边翻阅酒单和菜单。酒单制作地相当精美,简洁大方。 Chandon, Pierre, Brian Wansink, and Gilles Laurent , “A Benefit Congruency Framework of Sales Promotion Effectiveness,” Journal of Marketing, 64, 65 - 81.徐心怡“消费者促销知觉价值与促销偏好程度之研究-产品类别干扰效果之探讨”,元智大学管理研究所硕士论文。 Celebs aren't afraid to bare a little skin when it comes to add campaigns. Check out Scarlett Johansson‘s MoetChandoncampaign and other skin-tillating celebrity endorsements.如果增加激励,女明星们从来不会担心露得太多。看下面斯嘉丽为酩悦香槟和其他润肤产品代言的广告。 Sylvia went into the hall, where there were several boxes delivered by the Wine Society. From these she extracted a bottle of Moet etChandonchampagne and then another.西尔维亚来到门厅,那儿堆放了几箱由美酒协会送上门的酒。她先从箱子里费劲地取出一瓶香槟后,随即又拿了一瓶。 Tomorrow is rather heavy snowfall in TibetChandon, the Nagqu eastern Sichuan, Gansu, Aba village The northwest region of Yunnan with some moderate to heavy rain.明天比较大的降雪主要是分布在西藏的昌东,那曲东部,四川的阿坝甘村,云南西北部这一带地区会有一些中到大雨。 |