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词汇 champagne
释义 cham·pagne 英ʃæmˈpeɪn美ʃæmˈpenAHDshăm-pānʹ


sparkling white wine from France

a white sparkling wine either produced in Champagne or resembling that produced therea region of northeastern Francechampagne来自法语,保留了法式拼写和发音,本意是“开阔的田野”,特指法国香槟地区。该地区在法国巴黎以东,兰斯市周围。香槟地区拥有葡萄种植的独特气候环境,出产的葡萄香味尤为精致,因而能够酿造出口味独特、香醇迷人的葡萄酒,这种酒也被称为champagne香槟酒。
用作名词 n.
~+名词champagne cocktails香槟鸡尾酒介词+~a glass of champagne一杯香槟酒
champ=camp,旷野+agne=an,形容词和名词后缀→旷野,开阔的田野→法国香槟地区⇒香槟地区出产的葡萄酒,香槟酒。发音记忆“香槟”近义词 bubbly多泡的Champagne-Ardenne香槟亚丁地区位于法国…
用作名词n.I don't like champagne.我不喜欢香槟酒。
用作名词Thechampagnewas quaffed from huge golden goblets.香槟酒被从金色的高脚杯里一饮而尽。
Champagne is full of bubbles.香槟酒有很多气泡。
Thechampagnecork popped when he pulled it out.他拔香槟酒的瓶塞时它砰的一声开了。
He was drinking cheapchampagnewith a raffish air.他喝著廉价的香槟酒,样子十分放荡。
The veil ischampagnecolour silk tulle, extremely light and fine.婚纱是以香槟色薄纱制成,轻盈且精巧。
The solid silver dial is, according to the tradition, pickled white and then dyedchampagne.纯银制成的表盘按传统方式浸洗至白色后再染成淡香槟色。noun.sparkling wine
同义词 bubbly,wine
blond/blondeadjective having light-colored hair
blondenoun light
blonderadjective having light-colored hair
blondestadjective having light-colored hair
sparkling winenoun effervescent wine
asti spumate,bubbly,champagne,spumante In a completely smooth glass with no dust molecules in it, champagne would be completely still.
把它置于完全没有任何灰尘的光滑的玻璃中,香槟就不会有什么动静。 yeeyan

The champagne cork popped when he pulled it out.

The champagne is spilling out of the bottle.

Another one used a huge champagne glass and a ladder.
另一个女人使用一个巨大的香槟玻璃杯和梯子。 yeeyan

Chinese bankers have taken to serving it instead of tea, and Italian aristocrats offer it to their guests instead of champagne.
中国的银行里面已经开始以它作为饮品而不是茶,意大利贵族给他们的客人喝它而不是香槟。 yeeyan

Football's fear and loathing would like us to believe they have“ no class”, that they are the kind of lottery winner who would be chewing gum as they swigged from a beaker of warm champagne.
足球带来的恐惧和憎恨希望我们相信他们的足球“没有品味”,他们就像是那些一边嚼着口香糖一边从大口杯中狂饮香槟的彩票中奖者。 yeeyan

I drank a cup of champagne.

In a shed in a Paris suburb police found900 bottles of wine and champagne destined to be resold to restaurants at a comfortable profit.

Indeed, champagne grapes have already been planted in England and some respectable vintages harvested.
事实上,英国已经种植了香槟葡萄,有些优质葡萄还获得了丰收。 yeeyan

Italy’s finance minister believes that there is a“magnum of speculative champagne” included in the price of each barrel.
意大利的财政部长认为在每桶石油价格里面都存在着一个“投机香槟的酒桶”。 yeeyan

No need to serve costly champagne.
没有必要提供昂贵的香槟酒。 yeeyan

Now AP appears to have revised that description to “ champagne”, an act that has triggered debate about fashion's use of the word“ nude”.
现在,美联社已然将描述改成了“香槟色”,但是这一行为已经触发了时尚界关于“裸色”一词使用的辩论。 yeeyan

Now at restaurants and department stores Chinese are often the ones who splurge on champagne, designer clothes and luxury cars.
如今,在餐厅和百货公司,为名贵香槟、名牌服装和豪华汽车一掷千金的往往是中国人。 yeeyan

She also, as many have observed in promoting her Oscar chances, captures the glimpses of the sadness beneath the champagne bubbles.
她还扑捉了香槟酒气泡下悲伤的一瞥,许多人在她争夺奥斯卡奖所做的宣传中都看到了。 yeeyan

They like the economy passengers to see those trays of champagne being taken into club class.
他们想让经济舱的乘客看到托盘里的香槟酒被送进了头等舱。 yeeyan

Though there was cheering and champagne in the control room when the first high-energy beams collided, sighs of relief are more the order of the day.
尽管第一次高能粒子束碰撞成功以后,控制室传来了欢呼且有人开香槟以庆祝,然而,如释重负仍然是那一天的主旋律。 ecocn

We drank champagne and talked about The Birth Of Venus, painted by Botticelli.
我们喝着香槟,谈论波提切利的画作《维纳斯的诞生》。 yeeyan

We took supper and champagne and ate and drank on the grass.
我们带着晚餐和香槟,在草地上边吃边喝。 yeeyan

When this mixture emerges from the nozzle, it bubbles like champagne.
当混合物通过喷嘴喷出,它就会像香槟一样起泡。 ecocn

Champagne bottle depletes and more pop out from the freezer.
香槟酒瓶空了,会有更多从冰箱里跳出来。 yeeyan




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