

单词 chamomile
释义 cam·o·mile 英ˈkæməˌmaɪl, -ˌmiːl美ˈkæməˌmaɪl, -ˌmilAHDkămʹə-mīl', -mēl' ○○○○○高COCA³³⁴⁵⁰BNC⁴⁴³⁴⁸iWeb¹⁵⁰²²
Eurasian plant with apple-scented foliage and white-rayed flowers and feathery leaves used medicinally; in some classification systems placed in genus Anthemischam-,土,词源同human,土,人。-mile,苹果,词源同malic, melon。 human来自拉丁语homo,人。来自homus,土,词源同humus, humble。比喻用法,即相比于神的永恒而言,人类如同尘土一般卑微的存在。参照《圣经》上帝造人或中国神话女娲造人的传说。该词本身为形容词,其名词词义人缩写自human being。 mile来自拉丁语milia,一千,词源同million, millimeter。后引申词义英里,即一千整步,两千小步。 malic来自拉丁语malum,苹果。来自希腊语melon,苹果。但此处的苹果并非固定指苹果,在古希腊古罗马时期也通用指水果,特别是外来水果。 melon来自拉丁语melonem。来自希腊语melopepon,葫芦果,葫芦状的苹果。来自melon,苹果,词源同malic, pepon,一种葫芦,可能来自pepon,熟的。来自原始印欧语*pekw,煮,词源同cook, dyspeptic。后用以指甜瓜,香瓜,哈蜜瓜一类的瓜果。需注意的是,melon在希腊语除了指苹果,也指其它各种各样的水果,尤其是外来品种,如peach,字面意思为波斯苹果。近义词 camomile甘菊

用作名词We blend that tea by mixingchamomilewith pekoe.我们用甘菊和香红茶混合调制成那种茶。 Investigate the benefits of chamomile, valerian, kava, passionflower, skullcap, catnip, or hops.
甘菊,缬草,卡瓦胡椒,,西番莲,美黄芩,猫薄荷我靠! ,啤酒花被证明是有效的。 ebigear

A cup of chamomile tea before bedtime may be all you need to relax.
临睡前一杯甘菊茶可以帮助放松精神。 ebigear

Additional chamomile extract and nano silver solution helps to reduce the risks of skin allergy and infection by bacteria.
含有甘菊萃取物和纳米银处理液,可减少皮肤敏感和被细菌感染的风险。 k-link-sg

Four of the herbal mixes contained relatives of parsley. And seven had unlisted chamomile.
四种草本混合物中含有荷兰芹同科物种,七种中含有未标明的洋甘菊成分。 hjenglish

Have a cup of herbal tea, such as chamomile, to relax your body.
喝一杯草本茶以放松身体,比如白菊花茶。 yeeyan

He placed special orders at the Apothecary Shoppe: echinacea, goldenseal, chamomile teas.
他到“药剂师专柜”买了些特别的东西:紫锥菊、白毛茛、洋甘菊茶。 yeeyan

Ideal scents for the bedroom are Roman Chamomile, Geranium, Lavender or Lemon.
卧室的理想味道是罗马洋甘菊、天竺葵、薰衣草或柠檬的味道。 ediy

If you are having problems falling asleep, you can try using natural sleep aids such as Valerian or Chamomile tea in order to help you relax.
如果你入睡有困难,你可以尝试用些天然的催眠剂例如熏衣草茶来帮助你放松。 yeeyan

Once the Diaper Care is applied, calendula and chamomile extracts can start to soothe the area.
一但利用本品,金盏花及洋甘菊精髓可以或许最先舒缓尿布疹区域。 ml28

Organic Calendula, Chamomile and White Tea botanicals harmonize and replenish.
有机金盏花,洋甘菊,白茶植物性协调和补充。 mammybuy

She fixed me some chamomile tea with milk and honey, and soon I could think straight again.
她给我冲了一杯加了牛奶和蜂蜜的甘菊茶,我很快恢复了平静。 yeeyan

The water is sterile water usually fortified with herbs such as peppermint, chamomile, fennel, or ginger or a combination of these herbs.
通常的配方是纯水加上比如薄荷、甘菊、茴香或姜之类的植物,或者几种搭配起来用。 woka123

To prepare the best chamomile tea, the dried flower heads must be relatively fresh and highly aromatic.
要做最好的甘菊茶,干花头必须保持相对新鲜和高度芳香。 yeeyan

We blend that tea by mixing chamomile with pekoe.

Chamomile is extracted from the flowers of the chamomile plant. It has been historically used to ease anxiety and calm the nerves and may also help ease digestion.
甘菊,从甘菊植物中提取出来,历史上被用于消除焦虑,镇定神经也协助减弱消化。 yeeyan

Chamomile extract, natural oils and Shea Butter moisturize and nourish the skin.
洋甘菊提取物,天然油和牛油果油滋润和滋养肌肤。 tradekey

Chamomile tea has a calming effect which reduce the physical and mental stress, making this tea perfect beverage to be consumed before bed.
菊花茶具有镇定效果,可以降低身体和精神的压力,是完美的睡前饮料。 yeeyan

Chamomile was used for highlighting blonde hair nuances.
甘菊曾被用来提亮金色头发。 yeeyan




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