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词汇 chakrabarti
释义 chakrabartiCOCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺
It should also have a sprinkling of dim stars, Chakrabarti said. “ These should provide enough light for astronomers to see it, now that they know where to look,” she said.
“它里面应该还存在少量暗星,” Chakrabarti说道,“这些恒星提供足够的光让天文学家观察到,现在他们知道了该往哪看。” yeeyan

Now that astronomers know where to look for Galaxy X, they should be able to find it, especially if they conduct the search in dust- penetrating infrared light, Chakrabarti said.
现在天文学家知道了该往哪寻找 X星系,他们应该能找到,特别是当他们使用能贯穿尘埃的红外光时, Chakrabarti说道。 yeeyan

With an estimated mass equal to only one percent the mass of the Milky Way, Galaxy X is still the third largest of the Milky Way's satellite galaxies, Chakrabarti predicts.
即使 X星系的估算质量仅有银河系的百分之一,它仍然是银河系第三大的伴星系, Chakrabarti预言道。 yeeyan

Chakrabarti's method observes them indirectly by analyzing the ripples in the hydrogen gas distribution in spiral galaxies and inferring the position and size of the satellites.
查克拉巴蒂的观测方法很直接,通过分析螺旋星系氢分布的涟漪来推测卫星星系的位置和大小。 yeeyan




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