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词汇 chadwick
释义 chadwick
查德威克①姓氏 ②Sir James,1891-1974,英国物理学家,中子的发现者,曾获1935年诺贝尔物理学奖
Oliver Chadwick: We have evidence that suggests that now the planet is much dustier now than it was just a few hundred years ago.
奥利弗·查德威克:我们有证据显示,如今的地球“满身尘土”,与区区几百年前的时候相比便已大相径庭。 cri

The system of box scoring was invented by an Englishman named Henry Chadwick, and many of the first professional players were from immigrant English families who could play both cricket and baseball.
“回合制”的积分规则是由英国人哈瑞•查德维克发明。首批专业运动员也大多来自英国,不过对于棒球与板球,他们都是相当在行。 ecocn

Then, in 1932, James Chadwick discovered the neutron. Suddenly everything made sense—so much sense that it took only another13 years to build an atomic bomb.
年,詹姆斯 ·查德威克发现了中子,突然间,人们的悟性似乎有了质的飞跃,仅仅过了13年,第一颗原子弹就研制成功。 ecocn

Upon her release she settled in Cleveland where, in1897, she met and married Dr. Leroy Chadwick, one of the city's most respectable families.
释放之后,她定居在克里夫兰,并且在1897年之时与Leroy Chadwick相识并结婚,并成为城市里最受尊敬的家庭。 yeeyan

When she looked ahead, Florence Chadwick saw nothing but a solid wall of fog.
佛罗伦斯·查德威克向前方望去,除了绵延无尽的大雾,她什么也看不到。 ebigear

“ If enough CO2 is injected into an aquifer, it could increase the pressure enough to reactivate a fault and trigger an earthquake, ” warns Andrew Chadwick of the British Geological Survey.
“如果水层注入足够多的二氧化碳,压力足够高时,岩层活动,触发地震,”英国地质勘查局的安德鲁.查德威克警告说。 yeeyan

“ None of this means that we never have a negative thought, ” Chadwick writes.
“没有这就意味着我们从来没有产生过消极的想法,” Chadwick写道。 dxy

“A lot of sponsors have been involved in football on the basis of someone's hobby,” says Simon Chadwick, a professor of Sport Business Strategy and Marketing at Coventry Business School.
“许多赞助商涉足足球领域的原因是公司某位大人物的个人爱好,”考文垂商学院体育营销和策略教授 Simon Chadwick说。 yeeyan

It's said that like Cassie Chadwick, he was clever and he had a remarkable memory.
据说他和 Cassie Chadwick一样,智力过人,记忆力非凡。 yeeyan

Lord Rutherford, who proved that atoms exist, knew nothing of neutrons. Chadwick knew nothing of quarks, let alone supersymmetry.
就好比 Lord Rutherford证明了原子的存在但不知还有中子, Chadwick不知道夸克的存在一样,更不用说是超对称性了。 ecocn

Midway through a survey of thousands of supporters, Birkbeck's Chadwick says top- flight followers still consider the league“ exciting and unpredictable.”
根据一项有数千名球迷参与的市场调查,伯克贝克的查德威克表示,顶级联赛的追随者仍然认为联赛“充满激情并且不可预知。” yeeyan

Miss Chadwick looked at her without affection.
查德威克小姐不友好地看着她。 kuenglish

Miss Chadwick wrinkled up her forehead and looked rather like a perplexed Boxer dog.
查德威克小姐皱起前额,看起来有点象一只困惑的巴儿狗。 kuenglish

Planetary astronomer Michael Brown of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena and postdoctoral scholar Chadwick Trujillo discovered the object in images taken June4.
位于 Pasadena的加州科技学院的行星天文学家迈克布朗和博士后 Chadwick Trujillo7月4日通过照相发现了它。

Speaking February19th at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in San Diego, Chadwick noted that Puerto Rico also relies on African dust for fertilization.
Chadwick2月19日在圣地亚哥举行的美国科学促进协会的年会上的演讲中指出波多黎各同样依赖这些来自非洲的尘土施肥。 yeeyan

That incident echoed one from Chadwick's own childhood, when her mother chided her for taking a cookie to eat after dinner.
这事件是 Chadwick自己童年的真实写照,当她的母亲责骂她晚饭后又吃了一个甜饼。 dxy

With over45 years of experience on more that300 different application Chadwick products are proven and reliable.

You're listening to Oliver Chadwick of the University of California, Santa Barbara. Chadwick studies dust and how it moves around the world.
这是加利福尼亚大学圣巴巴拉分校的奥利弗·查德威克,他在研究尘土以及它在世界范围内的移动情况。 cri

Chadwick added that urban activities such as construction and transportation also generate a lot of dust.
他还说,诸如建造和交通运输等城市活动同样会产生大量尘土。 cri

Chadwick was convicted of multiple charges of forgery and died in prison in1907.
Chadwick被指控犯有多想伪造罪,最终,在1907年死于狱中。 yeeyan

Chadwick was one of the protesters who carried Olsen away from the scene. She says she screamed for medical help, but it never came.
克莱尔.查德威克是抬着斯科特离开冲突现场的人员之一,她说她当时大声喊叫,要求给斯科特紧急医疗救助,可没有人帮他们。 yeeyan




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