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词汇 Chadian
释义 chad·ian AHDˈchadēən

a native or inhabitant of Chad
of or relating to or characteristic of the Republic of Chad or its people or language;

the Chadian desert

Chad soldiers

Chadian folktales

ChadianPresident Idriss Deby says help is not coming soon enough.乍得总统代比说,协助来得不够快。
Precursor of Hangu Ecotype High-tech Industrial Park is TianjinChadianIndustrial Park.汉沽生态型高新技术产业园前身是天津茶淀工业园区。
Their release came hours after theChadianPresident Idriss Deby formally pardoned them.因为乍得总统代比正式宣布原谅他们。
“To the west of Sudan, theChadianrebels have been pushed back, in part with French military assistance,” says Ms.“得益于来自法国的军事援助,苏丹以西的乍得反叛武装已经被击退”,朱马先生说。
“Recent increases in worldwide oil prices will likely increaseChadianrevenues,” the EIA report however notes.“最近的世界范围内的石油价格上涨很可能会提高乍得国民收入”EIA报道称。
A group of 11 refugees left theChadiancapital N'Djamena by air on Sunday to be resettled in the United States.一批11名难民星期天坐飞机离开乍得首都恩贾梅纳,他们将被重新安置在美国。 Members of Chadian opposition parties are also among those fleeing, after some say their families were attacked.
在逃难的人群当中也有乍得反对党的一些人士。他们说,他们的家庭遭到攻击。 tingroom

The president said the Chadian- Chinese relations are based on equality, mutual respect and non- interference in each other's internal affairs and China is a true friend of Chad.

The Chadian embankment collapse occurred at Yidu Reach of Changjiang River during the flood period1998.
1998年长江特大洪水后期,宜都河段茶店岸坡崩岸直接威胁长江大堤安全。 iciba

The proposed modifications reportedly grew out of financial pressures recently experienced by the Chadian government.
修改法律的原因据说是出于最近乍得政府所受到的财政压力。 worldbank

The Chadian president, Idriss Déby, paid a surprise visit to Khartoum last week to be embraced by his Sudanese opposite number, Omar al-Bashir, sealing a truce between the two countries.
乍得总统伊德里斯·代比上周突然到访喀土穆并受到苏丹总统巴希尔的热情欢迎,随后双方达成了一项停战协议。 ecocn

The Chadian rebels arrived in the capital Friday after a three- day push across the desert.
乍得的反政府军在沙漠中进军3天后星期五到达首都恩贾梅纳。 tingroom

There, thanks to the support of U. S. aerial reconnaissance, Chadian forces engaged the GSPC in early March in a battle lasting three days, reportedly killing43 GSPC.
据报道,在美国空中侦察军的帮助下,乍得军队在持续了3天战斗后击败了恐怖组织人员,并击毙了43个组织成员。 dltcedu

Yang also held talks with his Chadian counterpart Moussa Faki Mahamat.

But Fay's team, working with the Chadian government and the European Union, has succeeded in spotlighting a major poaching problem that they warn must be addressed immediately.
凡的团队同乍得政府与欧共体合作,已经成功得使严重的偷猎问题浮出水面,他们警告说这是迫切需要解决的问题。 kuenglish

But Mr. Bashir said on arrival in Chad that bilateral differences have been resolved, and the Chadian interior minister said the Sudanese leader would not face arrest.

Habre lawyer El Hadj Diouf says President Wade's decision to extradite the former Chadian leader is meant to destroy him.
哈布雷在塞内加尔的律师哈德杰。迪尔夫说,瓦德总统决定将这位乍得前领导人引渡回国是要摧毁他。 voanews

It's the entry point for thousands of Chadian migrants fleeing the conflict in Libya.
因为成千上万的乍得移民正在逃离利比亚冲突,而这个小镇是入口。 putclub

Pillay says Senegal, at the very least, must obtain fair trial guarantees from the Chadian government.
皮莱表示,塞内加尔至少必须得到乍得政府作出的公平审判的承诺。 tingvoa

Senegal's announcement Friday that Habre would be extradited on a charter flight Monday moves to end years of legal wrangling about what to do with the former Chadian leader.
塞内加尔星期五宣布哈布雷将于星期一由包机引渡回国,从而有望结束持续了数年的关于如何处置这位乍得前领导人的法律争端。 tingvoa

So interventions were usually placed within the Chadian health system providing services for both camp refugees and the local population in nearby villages.
因此,为难民营难民和附近村庄的本地人群提供服务的干预措施通常被置于乍得卫生系统之中。 who

Sudan denies the charge and says it is being attacked by Chadian- backed rebels.
苏丹决绝这种指控,反而称苏丹受到乍得支持的反叛分子的袭击。 tmu

The AU wants to try a former Chadian dictator, Hissène Habré, for mass murder.
非盟希望审判一名前乍得高官Hissène Habré,罪名是大规模屠杀。 ecocn

The Chadian government and EU officials plan to increase protection for the region by increasing aerial surveys and providing patrols in the area during the wet season.
针对这种情况,查德政府以及欧盟有关官员计划通过增加空中巡视以及在潮湿季节向该地区派巡逻队等措施加强对这一地区的保护力度。 cri

This is indeed, a challenge for the Chadian nation and the development partners.
这的确是乍得国家和发展伙伴的挑战。 gounahaozi

Chadian mercenaries continue to arrive in Tripoli.
乍得雇佣兵陆续到达黎波里。 ecocn

Chadian oil revenues are also in decline.
乍得的石油收入也在减少。 ecocn

Chadian rebels have used Sudanese territory to launch attacks on Chadian government forces, disrupting humanitarian operations.
乍得反政府武装从苏丹领土上发动袭击乍得政府军,并破坏人道主义救援行动。 tingvoa




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