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词汇 cf
释义 cf.
abbr.成本加运费=Cost and freightabbr.比较=compare
The CF system is without a doubt the lifeblood of the social web.
协同过滤 CF系统毫无疑问是社会化网络的生命线。 yeeyan

The current state of MEMBER and CF are always critical.
MEMBER和 CF的当前状态是非常重要的。 ibm

The important thing, one that not many social sites realize, is that a CF system that doesn't automatically match content to your preferences, is inherently flawed.
一个很重要的事实,许多社会化网站并没有意识到这点,即协同过滤 CF系统并不能根据您的喜好自动匹配内容,它有天然的缺陷。 yeeyan

The CF provides a scalable and centralized locking mechanism to ensure data coherency.
CF提供一个可扩展的集中锁定机制来确保数据一致性。 ibm

There are many ways to compute similarity, and most CF systems allow you to plug in different measures so that you can determine which one works best for your data.
可以通过许多方法来计算相似度,并且大多数 CF系统都允许您插入不同的指标,以便确定最佳结果。 ibm

A separate version of the driver works for the CF card.
该驱动程序的一个单独版本适用于 CF卡。 ibm

All CF approaches end up calculating a notion of similarity between users and their rated items.
所有 CF方法最终都需要计算用户及其评分项目之间的相似度。 ibm

As a result of the ODBC wrapper customization in V9, the same query could be completely pushed down to CF.
而在 V9中,由于定制了 ODBC包装器,可以将这个查询完全下推到 CF。 ibm

Being able to push down aggregation operations or very selective predicates to CFi. e. those that filter out many rows will result in the greatest benefit.
如果能将聚合操作或选择性非常强的谓词即能过滤掉很多行的谓词下推到 CF,就可以获得最大的益处。 ibm

Embedded systems mostly use CF disks as their primary drives.
嵌入式系统大都使用 CF磁盘作为其主驱动器。 ibm

I used a 128MB CF card for this project.
对于本项目,我使用了一块128MB CF卡。 ibm

If the ODBC wrapper could be made aware of the particular capabilities of the CF server, the server attributes could be set more aggressively in a manner that reflects those capabilities.
如果 ODBC包装器知道 CF服务器的特定能力,就可以更大胆地设置服务器属性,以反映那些能力。 ibm

If there is more than one physical machine in the configuration, the installation wizard will automatically assign each CF to a different machine.
如果配置中有不止一台物理机,安装向导会自动将每个 CF分配给一台不同的机器。 ibm

Improved pushdown of predicate evaluation, joins, and grouping operations results in reduced data movement between CF and Federation Server, which usually improves performance.
通过改进谓词计算、连接和分组操作的下推,可以减少 CF与 Federation Server之间的数据移动,这通常可以提高性能。 ibm

In V8, the predicate was not pushed down to CF, and nearly one million rows had to be moved to the federated server to evaluate the predicate and perform the aggregate.
在 V8 中,谓词没有被下推到 CF,为了计算谓词和执行聚合,需要将大约1百万个行移动到联邦服务器。 ibm

Like CF, clustering calculates the similarity between items in the collection, but its only job is to group together similar items.
与 CF类似,集群计算集合中各项目之间的相似度,但它的任务只是对相似的项目进行分组。 ibm

Linux TCP/ IP applications can run unchanged over the network interface provided by the kernel modules mentioned earlier for the Intersil WLAN CF card.
Linux TCP/ IP应用程序可以在前面谈到的内核模块为 Intersil WLAN CF卡提供的网络接口上不加更改地运行。 ibm

Mahout currently provides tools for building a recommendation engine through the Taste library— a fast and flexible engine for CF.
Mahout目前提供了一些工具,可用于通过 Taste库建立一个推荐引擎—针对 CF的快速且灵活的引擎。 ibm

No user intervention is required; the ODBC wrapper automatically recognizes that it is accessing a CF source and changes its behavior accordingly.
这里不需要用户的干预。 ODBC包装器自动认识到它正在访问一个 CF数据源,并相应地改变它的行为。 ibm

Note that you must run the commands from member hosts, not CF hosts.
注意您必须在成员主机上运行这些命令,而不是在 CF主机上。 ibm

Once this is all in place, you should have a CF card that will simply boot and come up on your target system.
一旦这些都设置好了之后,您就应该有了一个完全能在您的目标系统上引导和运行的 CF卡。 ibm

Pushdown of these operations is most beneficial because it greatly reduces the amount of data that must be moved between CF and Federation Server.
这些操作的下推之所以可以获益最大,是因为这样可以大大减少必须在 CF与 Federation Server之间移动的数据量。 ibm

The following commands must be run from member hosts, not CF hosts.
必须从成员主机而非 CF主机上运行以下命令。 ibm

The idea behind this approach is to show how CF can guide fans of a specific topic to other documents of interest within the topic.
此方法的内涵是展示 CF如何将对某特定话题感兴趣的人导向相关话题的其他文档。 ibm

The size limitations imposed by the CF have made some customers question whether their high volume applications are suitable for shared queues.
CF所施加的大小限制使得一些客户询问这样的问题:它们的大容量应用程序是否适合使用共享队列。 ibm

CF cards are smaller, but compatible with PCMCIA, and are frequently used in handheld devices.
CF卡较小,但与 PCMCIA兼容,并且经常应用于手持设备。 ibm




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