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cetaceans 基本例句 鲸类 The whale clitoris, in common with the other sex organs of the largest cetaceans, are the biggest of any animal. 鲸鱼的阴蒂,与这种地球上最大动物的其他器官一样,也是动物中最大的。 yeeyan “The cetaceans are on the whole the most peculiar and aberrant of mammals, ” he remarked peevishly. 总而言之,鲸类是最奇特和最反常的哺乳动物。 yeeyan After mating, the two cetaceans linger side by side, stroking one another with their flippers and finally rolling together in what looks like an embrace. 交配以后,两条鲸肩并肩地缠绵着,用鳍互相爱抚,最后好像是相互拥抱着,开始上下翻腾。 hotdic Although limited to a skull, the Pakicetus fossil provides precious details on the origins of cetaceans. 尽管只有头盖骨,P化石仍然提供了关于鲸鱼起源宝贵的细节。 xiaoma But if cetaceans can’t take these tests, they have met one critical laboratory benchmark of higher cognition: self- recognition. 如果鲸目动物不能接受这些测试,那么它们就遇到了更高认知力的实验室指标:自身识别。 yeeyan Gingerich believes the first cetaceans probably resembled anthracotheres, svelte hippo- like browsers that inhabited swampy lowlands in Eocene times. 金格里奇相信第一批鲸和沼泽地碳兽十分相似,一种生活在始新世时期沼泽低地里,形似河马的小型食草动物。 yeeyan Ichthyosaurs also resembled cetaceans in another way: unlike most living reptiles, which lay eggs, they gave birth to live young. 鱼龙在另一个方面也很像鲸类:和多数现有的爬行动物产卵不同,它们直接胎生活的幼体。 yeeyan It is this essential mystery that leads us on in our conflicted attitude toward cetaceans, named for the Greek for sea monster. 正是这种神秘感将我们引向对鲸类的矛盾态度。希腊语中鲸鱼是海中怪兽的意思。 yeeyan Lacking fur and hind limbs and unable to go ashore for so much as a sip of freshwater, living cetaceans represent a dramatic departure from the mammalian norm. 现生的鲸豚类没有毛发、后肢,连上岸喝一口水都办不到,与一般的哺乳类有很大的差异。 http://dj.iciba.com Many animals also died from run-ins with ships, and others were killed when sandbars—a favorite hangout for cetaceans— were blasted for easier navigation. 许多动物还死于与船只的撞击,还有其他的动物在沙洲被炸毁为了更方便船只航行时丧命。 沙洲是鲸类动物最喜欢的栖息地。 yeeyan Now an American film has turned a spotlight on Japan's coastal hunt for cetaceans. 现在,美国的一部电影将镜头对准日本在沿海捕杀鲸类的行为。 ecocn Oil spills can affect sperm whales and other cetaceans, including dolphins, in a number of ways. 石油泄漏可能以很多方式影响到抹香鲸和其它的鲸类物种,包括海豚。 ng.trends.com.cn Other features, however, show experts that Pakicetus is a transitional form between a group of extinct flesh-eating mammals, the mesonychids, and cetaceans. 然而另一个因素向专家们展现了 P是位于灭绝的食肉哺乳动物和鲸鱼的中间的生物。 xiaoma Roughly speaking, these animals filled the ecological niches now occupied by toothed cetaceans such as dolphins and killer whales. 大致上讲,这些动物填补了由现代齿鲸目动物海豚和虎鲸所占据的生态龛位。 fjcet She had used the Force to communicate with the cetaceans of the Chadrian oceans, having a supernatural advantage in her ranching duties. 她用原力与查德海洋里的蔡尔克鲸交流,这使她的牧场工作有超自然的优势。 starwarsfans She concluded, “ Essentially, the brains of primates and cetaceans arrived at the same cognitive space while evolving along quite different paths.” 她总结说,“灵长类动物和鲸类的大脑的认知能力基本上处在同一是水平,只是进化方式截然不同。” hxen Similarly, although at least some cetaceans have taste buds, the nerves serving these have degenerated or are rudimentary. 相同的,尽管至少一些鲸鱼还有味蕾,但服务的神经已经退化或根本未发育。 iciba The findings might someday help rescuers test whether the lost cetaceans might be deaf before releasing them back into the wild. 也许有一天这个研究能帮助研究人员发现为什么一些被救助的鲸豚类生物在被放归大海前就失聪的原因。 yeeyan The fossil consists of a complete skull of an archaeocyte, an extinct group of ancestors of modern cetaceans. 这块化石有一个完整的头盖骨,这是一群现代鲸鱼已经灭绝的祖先。 xiaoma They talk of whales and dolphins in terms of cultures and societies, and say cetaceans possess qualities of personhood. 他们用文化和社会术语来谈论鲸鱼和海豚,称鲸目动物拥有人格性品质。 yeeyan Cetaceans even surpass most primates in their use of sound. 鲸目动物的声音运用能力甚至超过大多数灵长类动物。 yeeyan |