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ceruleus 基本例句 蓝斑 CRF in hypothalamus and locusceruleuswas detected by the method of radioimmunoassay.放射免疫法测定其下丘脑、蓝斑促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子。CRF in locusceruleusrose in liver-depression syndrome, with a significant difference in comparison with other syndromes, P 下丘脑CRF在肝郁组和脾虚组之间的差异,可能是肝郁证和脾虚证的中枢差异点之一;Objective To observe the effect of Fuzhenghunao capsule on NE of the locusceruleusand myocardial tissues in rats with intracerebral hemorrhage.目的观察扶正护脑胶囊对脑出血大鼠蓝斑和心肌组织去甲肾上腺素含量的影响。 It receives dopaminergic innervations from ventral tegment area and SNc, and noradrenergic and serotonergic innervations from the locusceruleusand dorsal raphe nucleus , respectively.腹内侧前额叶皮层主要接受来自腹侧被盖区ventral tegmental area,VTA和SNc的DA能神经纤维投射,以及来自蓝斑的去甲肾上腺素noradrenaline,NA能和中缝背核的5-HT能神经纤维投射。 OBJECTIVE To investigate into the effect of electrical acupuncture at Neiguan and the injection of P matter at locusceruleusarea on plasma endothelins of rabbits with acute myocardial ischemia.目的探讨急性心肌缺血时电针内关穴和蓝斑区P物质对血浆内皮素的影响。方法以血浆内皮素为指标,在冠脉结扎的心肌缺血动物模型上观察电针内关和蓝斑区注射P物质及其拮抗剂对急性心肌缺血恢复过程的影响。 α1 receptor in the locusceruleus蓝斑α1受体 |