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词汇 Aden
释义 A·den 英ˈɑːdn, ˈeɪdn美ˈɑdņ, ˈedņAHDädʹn, ādʹn Economist¹³⁹⁶²

an important port of Yemen; located on the Gulf of Aden; its strategic location has made it a major trading center of southern Arabia since ancient times A surge in pirate attacks in the Gulf of Aden, between Somalia and Yemen, prompted many countries to send naval forces to the area.
在索马里和也门之间的亚丁湾海盗袭击激增,使得许多国家派遣海军部队到这个海域。 voa365

Some of the bloodiest demonstrations are in the southern city of Aden, where a separatist movement has long demanded secession from the north.
最血腥示威发生在南部城市亚丁,那里的分离主义运动长期以来一直要求从北方分裂出来。 ecocn

The deployment in the Gulf of Aden, from this month, is rare for the navy, which has hitherto kept much closer to shore.
就海军而言,本月在亚丁湾的部署极为罕见,因为这支部队至今为止一直都在近海活动。 yeeyan

The shipping lanes in the Gulf of Aden, to Somalia's north, and the Indian Ocean, to the east of the lawless country, are among the busiest in the world.
位于索马里北面的亚丁湾到这个无法无天国家的东面的印度洋,有多条航线,是世界上最繁忙的航线。 yeeyan

After a spike in pirate attacks in the Gulf of Aden in the fall,18 countries contributed warships to an armada to police the region.
在去年秋天亚丁湾的海盗活动剧增之后,18个国家派遣军舰组成舰队来维护当地的治安。 yeeyan

After traveling through the dusty villages and towns of Yemen, they arrived at the port of Aden.
在穿过了也门尘土飞扬的乡村和城镇之后,他们抵达了亚丁港。 yeeyan

Beyond Aden and the well- protected oil infrastructure, much of the south has become a danger zone for northern security forces.
除亚丁和保护良好的石油基础设施之外,对北方安全部队来讲,南方的大部分已经成为一个危险地区。 ecocn

By one assessment, it would take about140 warships fully to secure the Gulf of Aden, and several times that number to protect the seas off eastern Somalia.
根据某项估计,想要保证亚丁湾完全的航行安全,应该要动用到140艘军舰,至于想保护索马利亚外海,军舰数量还要好几倍才行。 yeeyan

In the Gulf of Aden they are usually in a convoy.
在亚丁湾你们通常会在护航船队中通过。 ecocn

In Aden, the port city in the restive south where most of the27 deaths recorded during the protests have occurred, few Westerners venture out after dark.
在失去控制的南部港口城市亚丁——就是这里,在抗议期间发生了导致27人丧生的记录——很少有西方人在天黑后冒险出门。 ecocn

Just about every week now, we also hear about Africans dying in the Gulf of Aden, Africans fleeing the Horn of Africa, particularly Somalia.
现在,差不多每个星期我们还听到非洲人在亚丁湾死亡,非洲人逃离非洲之角,特别是逃离索马里的消息。 ebigear

Just hours before the Security Council adopted the new resolution, an Indonesian tugboat and a Turkish cargo ship were hijacked in the Gulf of Aden.
就在联合国安理会通过这项新的决议的几个小时以前,一艘印尼拖轮和一艘土耳其货轮又在亚丁湾被劫持。 kekenet

Most men have either abandoned their families, or have left to find work elsewhere in Africa or across the Gulf of Aden in Yemen.
大多数男人要么抛弃家人,要么去非洲的其他地方或渡过亚丁湾到也门寻找工作了。 yeeyan

Pagonis says the UNHCR has been calling for increased action to save lives in the Gulf of Aden and other waters.
帕格尼斯说,联合国难民署一直在呼吁增加行动,以拯救在亚丁湾和其他水域的生命。 hjenglish

This tiny country across the Gulf of Aden from Somalia, has moved up the list of top concerns for counterterrorism officials in recent years.
这些年来,这个从索马里开始跨越亚丁湾的小国家已上升到了反恐官员的头号关注名单。 yeeyan

Two weeks ago hundreds of such zealots briefly took over Hawta, the capital of nearby Lahej province, due north of Aden, only to melt away a day or so later.
两周前,数百名伊斯兰狂热者短暂占领了附近亚丁正北的拉赫吉省首府霍塔。不过大约一天之后,就消散了。 ecocn

UNHCR reports at least52 Somalis died when the boat smuggling them across the Gulf of Aden to Yemen broke down, leaving them adrift with no food or water for18 days.
联合国难民署报告说,一艘偷渡船在穿越亚丁海前往也门时抛锚,船上人员漂流了18天没有水喝也没有进食,至少52名索马里人丧生。 ebigear

Whole districts of Aden have been fortified and bedecked with flags of the old southern republic and with portraits of southern victims of what locals see as northern repression.
目前,整个亚丁地区的防御得到加强,到处挂着旧南也门共和国的旗帜还有当地人所以为的受北方迫害的南方人画像。 ecocn

Yemen, on the opposite shore of the Gulf of Aden from Somalia, is equally burdened.
也门,位于索马里对面的亚丁湾海滨,与索马里有着同样的困扰。 yeeyan




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