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Cephidae 'sefədi: 基本例句 茎蜂科¹⁰⁰ Adult sawflies, except for those in the familyCephidae, have structures that latch onto the underside of the forewings to help hold the wings in place when the insect is at rest.广腰亚目有别于其他大部分膜翅目的特点是腹部和胸部见图片,和毛虫样的幼虫见下文。他们共同的特点是外露的产卵器,看起来很像锯齿。 TWO NEW GENERA OF CEPHIDAE FROM EASTERN ASIA东亚茎蜂科二新属 REVISION OF THE CHINESE PEAR STEM GIRDLERS WITH DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES梨茎峰研究的述评附-新种膜翅目:茎蜂科 |