

单词 Adelie
释义 AdelieCOCA¹¹⁸⁰⁵⁴BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹

medium-sized penguins occurring in large colonies on the Adelie Coast of Antarctica近义词 Pygoscelis adeliae阿德利企鹅企鹅科…
In fact, such bands force Adelie penguins to exert nearly a quarter more energy to swim.
事实上,这种用强制手段迫使阿德利企鹅放逐到将近耗费它们平常游动消耗能量多出四分之一以上。 yeeyan

In Adelie Land, Mumble seeks the counsel of a crazy Rockhopper Penguin who will answer any of life's questions for the price of a pebble.
在阿德利国,曼宝向一只疯狂的跳岩企鹅求救-----只要给它一颗鹅卵石,这只企鹅就会回答一切关于生活的问题。 blog.sina.com.cn

So the penguins in Antarctica that feed in the open ocean are doing okay; the penguin species that feed by just dropping off the ice shelves, like the Adelie and the emperor pictured, are declining.
因此,在南极洲远海带捕食的企鹅适应得比较好,而只靠从冰架上跃入水中捕食的阿德利企鹅和帝企鹅如图所示则面临衰落。 suiniyi

Tens of thousands of newly-born Adelie penguins are freezing to death recently as freak rain storms are hitting Antarctica.
南极地区最近连续爆发反常暴风雨,导致成千上万只新生阿德利小企鹅活活冻死。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Adelie penguins, for instance, employ yawning as part of their courtship ritual.
比如说吧,对大型企鹅来讲,张大嘴打哈欠就是它们求偶仪式中的一部分。 ebigear




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