

单词 centres
释义 centres ˈsentəz COCA³⁴⁸³²BNC¹⁸¹⁵Economist¹⁸³⁷
n.中心⁹⁹;中心机构centre的复数v.环绕;居中¹;使…对准中心centre的第三人称单数原型centre的三单 The data on population will help firms decide where to open stores and distribution centres.
人口数据将帮助公司决定哪里可以开分店和建立销售中心。 ecocn

The Shanghai stock exchange only opened in1991. But by 2020 it aspires to be one of the world's top financial centres.
上海的股票交易在1991年才刚起步,但是他们追求的目标是在2020年成为顶级国际金融中心之一。 yeeyan

Yet you might infer that some manufacturing will return to the West from cheap centres of production in China and elsewhere.
你可能推测一些制造业将从廉价的制造业中心如中国或其他地区重新返回西方。 ecocn

“ We can leapfrog expensive data centres, and plug directly into a global computer, ” he says.
“我们能越过昂贵的数据中心,直接与全球计算机相连接,”他讲道。 ecocn

All BlackBerry data traffic passes through one of these centres.
所有黑莓数据流量都要经过其中一个中心。 ieltsbase

Because these centres have a single landlord they get a good mix of tenants.
因为这些中心只有一个房东,并且房客们能够很好的相处。 ecocn

Both these locations have military evaluation centres.
这两处都有军事评估中心。 yeeyan

Data available are heavily skewed towards well- resourced centres and do not reflect the entire reality of the condition.
现有数据严重偏向资源丰富的中心,并没有反映这种伤害的整体现实状况。 who

During the meeting, they discussed the sharing of influenza viruses with the WHO Network of Collaborating Centres for Influenza.
在会谈期间,他们讨论了与世卫组织流感合作中心网络交换流感病毒的问题。 who

Iceland has begun to market itself as a prime location for data centres, again for the cool climate, but also because of its abundant geothermal energy.
冰岛已开始把自己经营为数据中心的主要集散地,同样也是因为有寒冷的气候,但也因为有大量的地热能。 ecocn

Most schools have research centres across the world.
大多数学院在权世界设有研究中心。 iphpc

People may be replaced by robots on farms, in factories, call centres and laboratories but machines can only do work that lends itself to automation.
在农场、工厂、呼叫中心和实验室中,人们也许可以为机器人所取代,但机器只能干那些适合被自动化的活儿。 ecocn

Service companies, for example, contract out customer complaints to foreign call centres and then wonder why their customers hate them.
例如,服务公司将客户投诉承包给国外呼叫中心,并且对为什么客户憎恨他们而感到惊讶。 ecocn

Shopping centres are another area where foreigners still have an edge over locals.
同时,购物中心也是外资较本地公司更有优势的地方。 ecocn

The station is one of17 washing and loading centres owned by the company.
负责这些工作的站点是该公司拥有的17个清洗和装运中心之一。 yeeyan

These centres will also channel their national or regional proposals to the system.
这些中心还将把它们的国家或区域建议引导到这一系统。 who

This is an offshore business, concentrated in a few finance centres.
这是一项海外业务,主要集中在几个金融中心。 ecocn

Well, I think that we need trauma centres, because trauma is the largest killer of people under the age of40.
嗯,我认为我们需要建立创伤中心,因为创伤是40岁以下人群最大的致死原因。 hjenglish

With the technical institutions of Member States and the WHO Collaborating Centres, the Network has responded to more than 50 major disease outbreaks.
这个网络与各会员国的技术机构和世卫组织合作中心一起,已经应对了50多起重大疾病暴发。 who




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