

单词 centred around
释义 centred around短语⁴⁷⁷²⁶
One of the smattering of congressional districts they hope to pick up is Virginia’s second, centred around the resort city of Virginia Beach but including a chunk of Norfolk.
在零星的几块议会选区中,他们最想拿下的是弗吉尼亚的第二区。 该区被度假城市弗吉尼亚比奇围绕,包含了诺福克的一大块地盘。 ecocn

Control villages resembling project villages in terms of population size were randomly selected from an area enclosed by two ellipses centred around, but not including, the project area.
从由两个椭圆围绕封闭而成的区域中随机抽取与项目村庄拥有类似人口规模的对照村庄,但不包括项目区域。 who

Foodsion Magazine is a compilation of articles that centred around good food& Life style, F&B industry and food lovers interact with each other through the platform.
食尚是汇集美食与优质生活的杂志,是饮食业、时尚美食爱好者互动的一个平台。 kersonmedia.com

I think one of the reasons is that we don't have very good sexual education in schools. It is still very much centred around physiological development.
我认为造成这种情况的原因之一是我们的学校的性教育仅仅围绕生理发育,课程开设得不够好。 blog.sina.com.cn

In the western hemisphere solid substrate fermentations have centred around composting of plant and animal wastes, ensiling, mushroom cultivation, and cheese manufacturing.
在西方,固体基质发酵集中用于加工植物和动物粪便混合的堆肥,青贮饲料,种植蘑菇和生产奶酪等。 tdict

Major complaints centred around how many are' rude', ' drink pints of beer like men' and' end up drunk in the gutter'.
最主要的抱怨有:“粗鲁” 、“跟男人一样狂灌啤酒”,以及“最后醉倒街头”。 panstom

RAB is expected to continue operating as a slimmed-down fund management company centred around its original flagship special situations fund.
预计 RAB将作为一家规模缩小的基金管理公司继续经营,业务将主要围绕在最初的旗舰特别机会基金上。 falvtrans

To realise his concept, Dun has built a range of water- based instruments, centred around the use of several large clear water basins.
为了实现他的《水乐》理念,谭盾把几个巨大透明的水盆改造成乐器,并以此为核心独创了一系列水乐器。 qingxuan




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