

单词 centred
释义 cen·tred 英'sentəd美'sentərd ★★☆☆☆高COCA¹¹¹⁷⁵⁵BNC⁹⁸⁸⁸Economist⁹⁹⁹⁷
动词 centre:
move into the centerdirect one's attention on something-centred 中心的self-centred以自我为中心的…people-centred以人为中心的…centred optical system共轴光学系统,合轴光…body centred orthorhombic lattice体心斜方晶格…face centred原子面心的centred rectangular lattice面心长方点阵…base centred底心的centred system合轴组face centred lattice面心点阵body centred ferrite体心铁素体centred lattice定心栅格body-centred cube体心立方体

用作形容词My family helps to keep mecentred.我的家人帮助我保持冷静。 An Asia bond would not be a self- centred zero- sum game.
亚洲债券不会是一个以自我为中心的零和游戏。 blog.sina.com.cn

Michelle Obama is also gradually developing an agenda of her own, centred on health issues, on which she will speak and start to campaign.
米歇尔•奥巴马也逐步有了自己的议程,主要集中于医保问题上,她将就此发言,并开始为此发起运动。 yeeyan

The coal mines of North China are centred in Shanxi Province.

ALFRED NOBEL, himself a chemist, founded his prizes in the late19th century, when scientific excitement centred on chemistry.
自身是位化学家的诺贝尔在19世纪创立“诺贝尔”奖,当时的科学兴奋点集中在化学领域。 ecocn.org

Although most of the conversation centred on him, the date went well and I liked him.
虽然大部分话题围绕他展开,但约会进行得很顺利,我喜欢上了他。 yeeyan

But the debate centred on how premature a baby can be and have a reasonable prospect of surviving.
但争论的焦点在于如何从时间上界定早产儿,以及早产儿降生后成活的可能性。 ecocn

Criticism of the idea has centred on the feeling that it is possible to be too lean.
对此观点的批判已集中到感觉这种方式可能过于精益。 ecocn

His chief joy centred in studying foreign language.

I have come here not for the past, but for the future, which is centred on offshore oil.
我来这里不是为了过去,而是为了未来,而未来以海洋石油为中心。 ecocn

In 2008 disagreement centred on developing countries’ ability to respond to surges in agricultural imports.
2008年,分歧集中在发展中国家应对农产品进口激增的能力上。 ecocn

In the UK, the sale of insects for human consumption is part of what is still a niche food sector centred largely around novelty snacks.
在英国,人类食用的昆虫的销售有一部分是在仍然极具市场潜力的食品部门,这些部门大部分集中于一些新奇的小吃。 yeeyan

Last week's demonstrations were centred in the centre of Tehran, mainly in the area around the University of Tehran and Azadi Square.
上周爆发的抗议主要集中在德黑兰市中心,德黑兰大学和阿扎迪广场区域周围。 yeeyan

Most work in gene therapy is centred on cancer.
大部分基因治疗的工作集中在肿瘤上。 ecocn

Past doubts have centred on the conflicts of interest when an auditor earns large fees for selling tax advice or consultancy.
过去的质疑主要集中在当审计员能够利用出售税务方面建议或咨询而能取得高额收入的利益冲突上。 ecocn

Recent developments have centred on the European defence issue, with a continued series of bilateral US discussions concerning future agreements.
由于一系列美国参与的有关未来协定的双边谈判,近期的进展集中在欧洲防御事务上。 yeeyan

The solution that we propose is centred around the notion that context interactions are dependencies that the process has on a“ context service”.
我们建议的解决方案是蕴含着这样一个观点:上下文交互是流程在“上下文服务” 上拥有的依赖关系。 ibm

Williamson's work has centred on the way in which conflicts of interest are handled in different ways by hierarchical organisations, such as firms, compared with stock markets.
威廉姆森的研究成果集中于公司之类的位阶型组织与股票市场相比,其处理利益冲突的各种不同方式。 yeeyan




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