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词汇 central plain
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From Sui to Qing Dynasty, the integration and communication among nationalities was the main trend of history despite of the hostilities between the northern minorities and the Central Plain at times.
隋至清北方少数民族与中原地区虽不时有对抗和征战,但各民族经济、文化的交往与融合是历史主流。 cnki

In the same province of Jiangsu, Suzhou dialect, Yangzhou dialect and Xuzhou dialect stand for Wu dialect, eastern Mandarin and Central Plain Mandarin dialect respectively.
同在江苏境内的苏州方言、扬州方言和徐州方言以下简称“三州方言”分别是吴语、江淮方言和中原官话的地点方言。 cnki

It first transformed from regional culture to Central Plain culture and then it further transformed to the mainstream culture of the Chinese people.
在这一过程中,它首先经历了由区域文化向中原文化的转变,继而经历了由中原文化向民族主流文化的转变。 cnki

On the basis of history, location, traffic, resource, industry, etc. this paper analyses the present situation of the functional connection between cities in the Central Plain.
基于历史、区位、交通、资源、产业基础等原因,分析了中原城市群内城市间功能联系的现状; cnki

The article will relate and discuss the procedure of this change under the effect of the Hans' culture in Central Plain by comparing the East Turk with the West Turk.
本文主要从时代的角度,以东西突厥相比较的方式,试图分析论证突厥丧葬风俗在中原汉族文化影响下逐步演化的历史进程。 cnki

The formation of ornament arts of Hun drawing lines of animals promoted blending developments of the same arts among North Dynasty, the Central Plain and South China.
匈奴动物纹装饰艺术形成后,与晚至北朝及中原、西南地区的同类艺术也有着交融发展。 cnki

The port city Qinhuangdao is endowed with unique natural landscape and culture by the vast sea, the time- honored Central Plain culture and, particularly, the world- famous Great Wall.

The Qing army manufactured cannons that were among the best in the world before they conquered the Central Plain, giving rise to a profound revolution in Chinese military history.
清军在入关前夕所铸成的“神威大将军”炮,其品质已达到当时世界最高水平,在中国带动了一场影响深广的军事革命。 cnki

Considering the burial custom and artifacts, there are little differences between these tombs and those discovered in Central Plain.
就墓葬形制和随葬陶器来看,同中原地区发现的同时期墓葬没有太大的区别。 sinoss

Proposes that for central plain area using water source heat pump unit, solving the issues of irrigating well water back for different geological area must be emphasized.
同时提出了中原地区使用水源热泵机组时,着重注意不同地质井水回灌的解决问题。 cnki

Since Shang and Zhou dynasties, Central Plain culture has been gradually spreading outward while absorbing all sorts of cultures around it and then has become the mainstream of China culture.
中华文化来源是多元的,商周以来,中原文化逐渐向外扩散,并吸取周边各种文化,从而成为中华文化的主体。 cnki

That day I received an invitation to“ Orient Today” an exclusive interview, they told me the new address of this newspaper that is in the “ Central Plain Blessedness Tower”.

The paper is finished with an analysis of functions and existent problem in the small township development in the central plain cities in Henan, and put forward.
最后文章分析了河南省中原城市群中,小城镇发展的作用及存在的问题,并提出了相应对策。 dictall

Turk kept a close relation with Central Plain during several hundred years since it's appearance.
突厥在自其兴起后的数百年中,与中原地区有着十分密切的联系。 cnki

Under the great influence of Han, Turk absorbed a lot of advanced culture from Central Plain.
长期的相互影响使突厥民族从中原地区吸收了大量先进的汉族文化。 cnki




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