

单词 centipede
释义 cen·ti·pede 英ˈsentəˌpiːd美ˈsɛntəˌpidAHDsĕnʹtə-pēd' ☆☆☆☆☆高ISCOCA⁶¹⁹⁸⁹BNC⁵⁷⁶³⁴

chiefly nocturnal predacious arthropod having a flattened body of 15 to 173 segments each with a pair of legs, the foremost pair being modified as prehensors蜈蚣在外观上最大的特点是有很多条足,这一点也反映在它的英文名称上。在英语中,表示“蜈蚣”的单词是centipede,由centum 百和pedis足组合而成,字面意思就是“有百条足的爬虫”。bite by centipede蜈松螫伤centipede larva百足幼虫
用作名词Instinctively, he pushed off thecentipede.本能地,他拂去那一只蜈蚣。
Acentipedesnaked swiftly away.一只蜈蚣飞快地爬开了。
How many legs does acentipedehave?蜈蚣有多少条腿?as in.grub
同义词 maggot,wormcaterpillar,entozoonas in.vermin
同义词 ant,flea,insect,mosquito,rodentbedbug,fly,foxes,lice,mice,rat,snake,termite,weasel
grubnoun larva
verminnoun pest
ant,bedbug,centipede,flea,fly,foxes,insect,lice,mice,mosquito,rat,rodent,snake,termite,weasel After some discussion, he finally bought a centipede, which came in a little white box to use for its house.
讲了半天,他最后买了条住在一个小白盒子里的蜈蚣。 iciba

“Well, that was me as well, ” said the centipede.
“还是我啦。”蜈蚣说。 yeeyan

A huge, hairy, scary centipede was crawling up Master Lianchi's sleeve.
一只很大的、多足的、可怕的蜈蚣正爬在莲池大师的袖子上。 for68

A centipede!
就是蜈蚣! hjenglish

A centipede does not topple over even when dead.
蜈蚣即使死了也不会倒下。 putclub

Cock like: It seems that the centipede is also I do not want the red crown, and I must get back.
公鸡想:看来蜈蚣是不想还我的大红冠了,我必须抢回来。 msa5

He says to the centipede, “ Go clean the living room.”
他跟蜈蚣说:“去打扫客厅。” hjenglish

If he had as many legs as a centipede, they would tire before night.
要是他有蜈蚣那么多条腿,一天到晚也不会轻松。 douban

If you lift up a heavy rock, you may find a centipede living under it.
如果你举起一块大石,可能会发现底下有蜈蚣。 hjenglish

My left leg is bad one day and my right leg is bad the next. Thank God I’m not a centipede.
今天左腿有毛病,明天右腿又出问题,感谢上帝我不是蜈蚣。 edu.sina.com.cn

My left leg is bad one day and my right leg is bad the next. Thank God I’m not a centipede。
今天左腿有毛病,明天右腿又出现大问题,感谢上帝我不是蜈蚣。 edu.sina.com.cn

Next he says to the centipede, “ Run down to the corner and get me a newspaper.”
接着他跟蜈蚣说:“去街角帮我买份报纸。” hjenglish

Objective To study and optimize the ethanol extracting technology condition of Scorpion and Centipede with orthogonal test method.
目的研究全蝎、蜈蚣乙醇提取工艺,并且采用正交设计法优选全蝎、蜈蚣的提取工艺条件。 cnki

Objective: To explore the effect of Centipede on vascular endothelial cells function in atherosclerosis rabbit.
目的:探讨蜈蚣对动脉粥样硬化家兔血管内皮细胞功能的影响。 cnki

Objective:To observe the effects of compound composed of cornu antelopes, gastrodia, tribulus terrestris, scorpio, centipede on absence seizures of tremor rats.
目的:观察由羚羊角、天麻、白蒺藜、蜈蚣、全蝎等组成的复方中药对震颤大鼠小发作的作用。 zidian8

Since then, to see the rooster on the recovery of the centipede, and to eat it. They became the enemy.
从那以后,公鸡见到蜈蚣就追,而且要把它吃掉。它们成了仇人。 msa5

The centipede says, “I'm going! I'm going! I'm just putting on my shoes!”
蜈蚣说:“去了!要去了!我鞋子快穿要好了!” hjenglish

The centipede slowly crawled out the window. The master's friend slowly crawled out from under his seat.
蜈蚣缓缓地从窗户里爬出去了。大师的朋友这时才敢从椅子下慢慢地爬出来。 for68

Using the prisoner dilemma model and centipede game model, this paper discuss the reason why the formation of marketing channel strategic alliance could not be realized.
首先运用囚徒困境模型的静态分析和蜈蚣博弈模型分析渠道联盟不能形成的原因。 dictall

Centipede is one of the traditional Chinese medicines.
蜈蚣是我国传统的中药材之一。 cnki

Centipede see cock drilling immediately in Anxious cock.
蜈蚣见到公鸡就马上钻进墙缝里。 msa5




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