

单词 centered on
释义 centered on短语²¹⁶⁵²
Even though my own writing is centered on events in Somalia, London keeps reappearing within my stories; as a counterpoint, as a kind of Sodom, as a haven.
虽然我的写作内容多围绕索马里展开,但是伦敦却在其中不断出现,作为一种对比,一个罪恶之地,抑或是人间天堂。 yeeyan

I have always been interested in politics— dinner conversation in my home often centered on what was happening locally and in Washington.
我一直对政治感兴趣——我家的晚餐话题经常是关于本地和华盛顿发生的事情。 yeeyan

Many experts emphasize that easing India’s population burden will require a holistic response centered on improving health services and teaching about a full range of contraception.
很多专家强调,要缓解印度的人口负担,必须得制定一个全局规划,集中力量去改善卫生服务水平,大范围的普及避孕理念。 yeeyan

Most of the revival has centered on the dirtiest industries, which are basic materials and energy, and the most wasteful, which is retail.
大部分的复苏均是围绕污染行业的,包括基本材料与能源,以及最具破坏性的零售业。 yeeyan

Picked as national political discourse centered on integrity, and lack thereof, in public servants on national and local levels.
因全美政治谈话集中于中央与地方公务员的诚信以及缺乏诚信而获选。 iciba

Their conversation usually centered on all the things they were going to achieve.
她们的谈话内容总是围绕着各自的打算展开。 ebigear




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