

单词 centered
释义 cen·tered 英ˈsentəd美ˈsɛntədAHDsĕnʹtərd ●●●○○高COCA¹⁰⁵³⁸BNC⁷³⁶¹⁴iWeb¹⁹⁴¹⁷
being or placed in the center来自center, 中心。learner-centered以学习者为中心的…self-centered以自我为中心的,自私…self-centred以自我为中心的…center中心centred冷静的three-centered arch三心平圆拱; 三心拱…base centered底心的two-centered arch双心拱face-centered orthorhombic面心正交face-centered crystal面心晶格one-centered arch单心拱face-centered lattice面心格子face centered原子面心的centered carrier中心载波off-centered dipole偏心振子,偏心偶极子…spring centered弹簧对中的
用作形容词Our hopes werecenteredon him.我们的希都集中在他身上。as in.deep
同义词 intent,lost,musing,setabstracted,concentrated,enfolded,engaged,fixed,focused,immersed,into,preoccupied,rapt,wrapped,wrapped-up
反义词 aboveboard,flighty,frivolous
concentricadjective having a common center
deepadjective absorbed, engrossed in activity
abstracted,centered,concentrated,enfolded,engaged,fixed,focused,immersed,intent,into,lost,musing,preoccupied,rapt,set,wrapped,wrapped-up It is a striking sign of the temper of our times that the controversy about this passage centered on its origin and not on its content.
关于这篇演讲的争论常常集中在其起源,而不是在其内容本身,这是我们这个时代的明显特征。 yeeyan

The south pole- centered map above is based on data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument OMI on the Aura satellite.
上面以南极为中心的地图是根据“先兆”人造卫星上的臭氧监测仪的数据绘制的。 yeeyan

“ This generation is very self- centered, very independent, ” Shu says.
“这一代人非常自我中心,非常独立,”舒鑫说。 yeeyan

But he also says they dispute the common belief that Chinese education is centered on repetition and memorization.
但他也表示,他们对中国教育集中于重复和记忆这一普遍观点表示质疑。 tingvoa

Document- centered style allows, at most, one input and one output.
文件中心样式最多允许一个输入和一个输出。 ibm

For example, a master data management solution might be centered on part information or vehicle information at an automotive manufacturer.
例如,对于汽车制造商,主数据管理解决方案可能集中于零件信息或车辆信息。 ibm

For me, it changes my life from being purely self- centered to being something with meaning for others, too.
对我来说,做志愿者让我的生活从完全的以自我为中心变成对他人有意义。 yeeyan

He did fine work—the discussion these days is centered on the second or third decimal place of that number.
他工作做得很细致,这些天争论集中在小数点后的第二位或者第三位上。 yeeyan

He probably has little concept of how upset you would be if you found out because he's too self- centered to think about your feelings.
而他很可能难以意识到,一旦你发现他是一个非常自我中心,很少考虑伴侣感受的人,你会多么沮丧。 yeeyan

If the assessment is done at the organization level, a framework for discussion centered on key areas of collaboration may be particularly helpful.
如果评估在组织水平上进行,讨论的框架就集中在可以显著帮助的关键协作领域上。 ibm

In fact, according to our survey, 94% of top blogs have a centered layout.
实际上,根据我们的调查,排行榜上94%的博客是中心布局。 yeeyan

In the field of biology, much of the debate has centered on the capabilities and intentions of terrorists.
在生物领域,很多争论都集中在恐怖分子的能力和意图上。 yeeyan

Our conversation centered on their retirement vision; which we had been working on together for the last few weeks.
我们的谈话集中在他们退休后的生活,那时我们就一起了讨论好几周了。 yeeyan

Some giving is quite self- centered.
很多付出是自我中心的。 yeeyan

The riots were centered in neighborhoods with large African and Caribbean populations.
这次骚乱集中在非洲和加勒比人口比较多的社区。 ebigear

This is not very scientific to say the least, but even this can help a team to start thinking in a more user centered way.
这种方式至少并不是很科学,但即使是如此也可以帮助团队开始以更以用户为中心的方式来思考问题。 yeeyan

Try living for a week in an“ other centered” universe.
尝试着一个星期生活在一个以“他人为中心”的世界。 yeeyan

When you're feeling centered, you can do your best in stressful situations such as taking a test or working through a disagreement with a friend.
当你感受到自己的中心,在受压情况下——如进行测验或处理与朋友的分歧等——就能发挥最好状态。 cri

You achieve the state of truly embodying your light on earth by being entirely centered in your own being, in a pure and calm state of mind.
当你完全处在自己存在的中心,保持一种纯净和镇定的心态时,你就达到了能真正将你的光明照耀在地球上的状态。 blog.sina.com.cn




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