

单词 centaurs
释义 centaurs ˈsentɔ:z COCA⁵⁹⁰¹⁸BNC⁷³⁶¹³
n.半人马centaur的复数原型centaur的三单 The bayonets plunged into the bellies of these centaurs; hence a hideousness of wounds which has probably never been seen anywhere else.
枪刺也插进了那些神骑的胸腹。 人们在旁的地方,也许不曾见过那种光怪陆离的伤亡情况。 ebigear

The holy centaurs of the hills are banished;
群山中神圣的半人马怪已被放逐; blog.sina.com.cn

A peak, 1,601.9 m5,252 ft high, of northeast Greece in eastern Thessaly. According to Greek legend, it was the home of the centaurs, especially Chiron.
希腊东北部一海拔1,601.9米5,252英尺的山峰,位于狄瑟利东部。在希腊神话传说中它是人首马身怪物,尤指开纶的家园。 odict.net

Currently, the public is familiar with the main- belt asteroids and the near-Earth asteroids with strange orbits, including the Earth-approaching asteroids and the centaurs.
据了解,目前为公众熟悉的小行星有主带小行星,还有轨道比较奇怪的近地小行星和半人马小行星。 english.peopledaily.com.cn

The second kind of Divination is what is practiced by the Centaurs.
第二类占卜是马人使用的。 www.hoolee8.com

There has never been a woman more in need of being terrorised by centaurs or imprisoned for life in Azkaban, if you ask us.
如果你问的话,我们的说,这世界上没有比她更需要让人马好好吓上一回或者在阿兹卡班里关上一辈子的女人了。 yeeyan

You see centaurs running to the trading post, knocking the walls down, burning and killing the merchants.
你会看到半人马跑向交易所,推倒墙壁,烧杀商人。 blog.sina.com.cn




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