释义 |
Centauri 基本例句 琴陶里¹⁰⁰ The star, AlphaCentauriis the closest star besides our sun.除了太阳之外,半人马座a星离地球最近。 Light takes only 4.22 years to reach us from ProximaCentauri.从半人马座比邻星发出的光到达我们只需4.;22年。 Why try to go to ProximaCentauri, or any other star?为啥想去比邻星或者别的星球?” The stunning OmegaCentauriglobular cluster contains millions of stars.令人惊讶的人马座欧米茄球状星团包含了数百万的恒星。 Such souls often originate from the Pleiades, Andromedas, Orion, or AlphaCentauri, home of the Grays and Reptilians.这些灵魂通常起源于昂宿星、仙女座、猎户座和阿尔法星系、灰人和爬虫军的家。 Such beings also speak in thought-form that is related to the Pleiades, Andromedas, Orion or AlphaCentauri.这些以思想形态来说话的存有们也与昂宿星、仙女座、猎户座和阿尔法星系有关。 |