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词汇 censors
释义 cen·sor·s 英'sensəʳ美'sensər COCA³³⁶⁵⁸BNC⁴⁰⁴²⁸Economist⁹⁰⁹⁵
someone who censures or condemnsa person who is authorized to read publications or correspondence or to watch theatrical performances and suppress in whole or in part anything considered obscene or politically unacceptable
forbid the public distribution of a movie or a newspapersubject to political, religious, or moral censorship;

This magazine is censored by the government

film censor影片审查员Board of Censors审查署censor out审查后改动、删去或完…
近义词 cut切up向上ban禁止edit剪辑read识字amend修正gag箝口物purge整肃scold责骂remove消除reader读者review复习delete删除repress抑制control掌控examine检查inspect检查abridge删节silence沉默clean干净的stifle使窒息suppress镇压critic评论家prohibit禁止restrict限制expurgate净化knocker敲击者reviler辱骂者bowdlerize删改reviewer评论者examiner主考者traducer诽谤者vilifier诬蔑者maligner诽谤者inspector检查员chastiser惩罚者decrier责难的人expurgator削除者carper吹毛求疵者objurgator斥责者castigator惩罚者complainer抱怨者disparager毁谤者vilipender诬蔑者clean up收拾干净squelch发出嘎吱声vituperator辱骂者caviller吹毛求疵者amender改正者,修正者…abuserabuse的名词形式…faultfinder吹毛求疵的人…blue-pencil用蓝色笔修正…bowdlerizerbowdlerize的名…criticaster无价值的批评家…censurercensure的名词形式…denouncerdenounce的名词形…depreciatordepreciate的名…sanitize采取卫生措施使其安全…

用作名词They had to accept the blue pencil of thecensor.他们不得不接受检查员的修改。
Don't write anything that will bother thecensor.你可别写什么给检查员找麻烦的话。
A whitecensorwas standing over me.有一个白人监察官在监视着我。
Thecensorinsisted on excising the passage from the film.电影审查员坚持剪去影片的这一段。用作及物动词It is not constitutional tocensorthe press.审查新闻是违反宪法的。 The magazine has often been punished by government censors, but always seems to bounce back with investigative pieces or articles dealing with corruption, finance and the economy.
《财经》多次受到政府审查机构的处罚,但每次都能化险为夷,依旧刊登治理腐败,金融及经济的调查报告或文章。 yeeyan

The censors eviscerated the book to make it inoffensive to the President.

Another article, however, fell foul of the censors.
但另一篇文章没有通过审查。 ecocn

But the censors are under attack.
但是这种审查受到了攻击。 ecocn

Her first published book had to be smuggled out of Romania to avoid censors.
她出版的第一本书被迫偷送出罗马尼亚,以避免审查。 yeeyan

In addition to being dubbed in Mandarin, it must first be approved by the state radio, film and television administration, which censors content deemed politically sensitive.
除了要用普通话配音之外,还必须首先得到国家广电总局的批文,他们将审查节目是否含有政治敏感内容。 yeeyan

It also pleased the censors, who allow only20 foreign films a year to be shown here.
同样它也讨好了每年仅允许20部外国电影在国内上映的审查当局。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, he took his work in a new direction, toward journalism, which undergoes more scrutiny from censors than fiction.
与此同时,他将他的新著作换了方向,转向新闻,这一行业遭受的比小说更为苛刻的审查。 yeeyan

Military censors are busy, as ever, with their red pens.
军队审查官手拿红色的钢笔,和以前一样忙碌。 ecocn

No army of censors can completely constrain free expression.
没有任何审查大军能完全限制自由的言论表达。 yeeyan

Party censors excised the tale of the exhausted teacher from the final draft of the speech.
那个老师的命运如何,被党的审查部门从发言稿的最终版本中删除了。 yeeyan

The government has launched an investigation, but censors, wary of the public mood, are trying to suppress the issue in state-run media and online.
政府已经发起了调查,然而出于对民愤的畏惧,审查官员会阻挠国营的媒体与网络报道对这一事件进行报道。 ecocn

The films may have their content cut by censors.
而这些影片有时会被文化审查削减去部分内容。 yeeyan

Censors quickly deleted videos and chat room comments, although by evening, the restrictions appeared to be easing.
审查者很快删除了视频和聊天室评论,不过到了晚间,限制手段似乎有所缓和。 yeeyan




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