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词汇 cell diameter
释义 cell diameter
Adding nano-particles into the blend results in the ofcell diameter,the increase of cell densit…泡孔直径随着纳米粒子含量的增加会出现先减小后增加的趋势。
Stirring within the middle stage of foaming agent rapid decomposition breaks up big bobbles to fine bobbles, hence to reduce meancell diameter.搅拌发泡的作用是在发泡剂剧烈分解的中段,通过搅拌搅碎气泡,减小平均孔径。
Colligate the relationship between swell rate and capillary number to establish the prediction model of the swell ratio and the averagecell diameterfor PS/SCCO2 foaming system.综合胀大比和毛细管数的关系,提出了聚苯乙烯/超临界CO2发泡体系挤出胀大和泡孔平均直径预测模型。
A model for predicting extrudate swell and averagecell diameterof polypropylene foam is proposed based on the relationship between the extrudate swell and capillary number.综合胀大比与毛细管数的关系,提出了聚丙烯发泡体系挤出胀大和泡孔平均直径的预测模型。
During carbonization and consequently graphitization of foams,cell diameterreduces and the orientation of molecules in cell walls improves, approaching that of graphite.炭化和石墨化后泡沫炭的孔径减小,孔壁片层取向接近石墨;
The influences of temperature, content of foaming agent and CaCO3 on the extrudate swell, and averagecell diameterof polypropylene foam are investigated using improved capillary rheometer.利用改进后的毛细管流变仪研究了温度、发泡剂与碳酸钙含量对聚丙烯发泡体系挤出胀大和泡孔直径的影响。




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