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celestial burial短语¹⁴⁴⁹⁷²⁺² 基本例句 天葬 As a result, many celestial burial masters have no friends. 因此很多天葬师没有朋友。360doc In the Tibetan-inhabited areas, the customs are not for the celestial burial masters and their relatives to enjoy celestial burial. Legend has it that water burial prevails in a village in Nyimo. 藏区的风俗是天葬师和他的亲戚死后都不能马上举行天葬仪式,传说在 Nyimo的村庄是先对他们进行水葬。360doc A noted celestial burial master would make up to 30,000 Yuan a month. 一个有名气的天葬师一个月能收入近三万元。360doc According to old celestial burial masters, their fate in the pre- peaceful- liberation days was the worst. 按老天葬师的说法,和平解放前他们的命运最苦。360doc According to Tibetan customs, people of the same family should not use the same celestial burial ground when dead in12 years. 依照藏族习俗,同一个家庭的成员在12年内不能使用同一个天葬场。360doc He had no way out but to work as a celestial burial master. 除了做天葬师外他找不到其它办法。360doc Most of the celestial burial masters are alcoholic. 大部分天葬师都是酒鬼。360doc Most of the professional celestial burial masters are found mainly in Lhasa, Xigaze and Shannan. 大多数的专业天葬师在拉萨、日喀则和山南地区。360doc Others will not easily allow their sons to marry daughters of celestial burial masters. 很少有人会让他们的儿子娶天葬师的女儿。360doc Since some people do not understand the culture connotation of celestial burial, they make improper comments on its unique ways and rituals. 一些人因为对天葬的文化内涵不了解,进而对其独特的方式和仪轨妄加评论。71155 The sun does not appear on the eastern horizon when the body is carried to the celestial burial ground. 尸体被带到天葬台的时候太阳还没升出东方的地平线。360doc Upon invitation from relatives of the dead, the celestial burial master goes to investigate how the dead died. 收到死者亲属邀请后,天葬师会去了解死者的死因。360doc Zhigung Celestial Burial Ground has masters who are monks with Zhigungti Monastery of the Garyu Sect. 直贡天葬场有来自噶举派直贡替寺的喇嘛天葬师。360doc Celestial burial masters constitute an important part of the work. However, they feel sorry for the public view. 天葬师是天葬很重要的一个环节,可天葬师却觉得得不到公众的尊重。360doc Celestial burial is not to be watched. 天葬是不允许观看的。 blog.sina.com.cn |