

单词 addressed to
释义 addressed to短语⁷⁴⁷⁸
Applications and enquiries should be addressed to the programme responsible for the page used.
应向负责所用网页的规划提出申请和询问。 who

Blood safety data are collected biennially by WHO through a comprehensive survey addressed to national governments.
血液安全数据是由世卫组织每两年一次通过针对各国政府的综合调查收集的。 who

By a letter addressed to you from the Island of Elba.
从一封由厄尔巴岛发出的送给您的信上知道的。 ebigear

Calling her“ Babcia” Granny and using the informal “ Ty” demeaning when addressed to a stranger, the guard insists.
但保安仍这样坚持,还叫她“ Babcia”奶奶的意思,并使用了不正式的” ty”这样称呼陌生人有贬低的意思。 ecocn

He gave in to curiosity and opened the letter addressed to his sister.
他抑制不住好奇心,拆开了别人写给他妹妹的信。 jukuu

He carried a letter with him which was addressed to a captain of6th cavalry regiment.
他身上带着一封信,是写给第六骑兵团一个队长的。 hjenglish

His comments were addressed to the Kremlin’s opponents rather than to his mentor, but Mr Putin’s stunt made them sound ambiguous.
他的评论是向克林姆宫的反对党提出的,而不是普京。但是普京的作秀行为却让这些话听起来就不那么有说服力。 ecocn

In a letter addressed to the “ Apple community”, Jobs said he had grown tired of media reports that he could be on his “ deathbed”.
在一封写给“苹果社群”的信中,乔布斯说他已厌倦了媒体说他可能大限将至的报道。 yeeyan

It also registers the failing endpoint as“ Suspended,” and no more requests are addressed to this endpoint for a period of time.
它还将失败的端点登记为“ Suspended”,并在一段时间内不向该端点发送请求。 ibm

It's actually neither a letter, nor is it addressed to Jews.

Morgan released an apology addressed to his fans and the gay and lesbian community.
摩根向他的粉丝和男性及女性同性恋社团公开道歉。 yeeyan

Perhaps these pages are more particularly addressed to poor students.
也许这些文字更确切地说是写给那些清贫的学生的。 yeeyan

Questions on the capabilities of non- IBM products should be addressed to suppliers of those products.
有关非 IBM产品性能的问题应当向这些产品的供应商提出。 ibm

She curiously opened the letter addressed to her husband.
她抑制不住好奇心,拆开了别人写给她丈夫的信。 kekenet

The man who picks it up opens it and finds in it a note addressed to some prisoner in that yard.
拾起面包团的人,把它剖开,便能在里面找到一张写给那院子里某个囚犯的字条; ebigear

Then it has several letters, seven different letters, very short letters, addressed to seven different Christian churches.

This easy- to- read guide is addressed to those who meet the qualifications.
这本简易的指导手册是写给那些合格的人的。 kekenet

This letter is addressed to my mother.
这封信是写给我母亲的。 ebigear




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