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词汇 address books
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A decade ago, PDAs were the preserve of digerati who liked using electronic address books and calendars.
十年前, PDA是喜欢用电子通讯录和日历的数字精英们的保留地。 yeeyan

E- mail, calendars and address books are wirelessly kept up to date.
电子邮件、日程表和地址簿都可以无线同步信息。 yeeyan

Google believes users own information such as their e- mail address books, and should be able to take it with them wherever they go on the web.
谷歌认为用户的个人信息,比如他们的电子邮件地址簿,应能够在网络世界中随身携带,畅行无阻。 ecocn

He added: “ This very virulent form of spam is the online equivalent of breaking into a home, stealing address books and sending phony mail to all of an individual’s personal contacts.”
他补充道:“这种恶性的垃圾邮件就如同有人闯进你家里,盗取了地址簿并向所有联系人发送虚假邮件一样。” hjenglish

He goes on to note that sufferers of this form of abnormal jealousy often exhibit behaviors such as calling the mate repeatedly to “ check in” and going through the mate’s telephone and address books.
他继续指出这种类型的异常嫉妒患者经常表现出让伙伴不停地“签到”和检查同伴的电话和通讯录的行为。 yeeyan

It can be slow, if remote address books like LDAP are marked for auto completion.
但若标记为自动补齐的是远端通讯录像 LDAP,则速度可能会很慢。 launchpad

It gives away Gmail but gains access to users' online address books.
它赠送 Gmail,却获得用户在线地址簿的使用权。 yeeyan

LDAP directories are useful for corporate address books and are widely used.
LDAP目录对于公司的通讯簿很有用并被广泛使用。 ibm

No messages will be lost: all folders, messages, signatures, and address books will be migrated to the new system.
没有任何邮件都将丢失:所有的文件夹,邮件,签名和地址簿将被迁移到新系统。 chinaz

No server- based directories are listed; only locally based address books defined using the Notes client.
此处没有基于服务器的目录;只有使用 Notes客户机定义的本地地址簿。 ibm

Now employers are tapping the address books of their employees by rewarding those who talent-spot on the company's behalf.
如今,雇主们正向那些替公司物色人才的人提供奖励,对其雇员的人际网络加以利用。 bisenet

Search for Group documents in all address books or in a subset you specify.
搜索所有地址簿或指定子集中的 Group文档。 ibm

Setup email Accounts and Address Books.
设置电子邮件帐户和“通讯簿”。 dictall

There is no reason not to express address books, Web feeds and the like by links to XML documents.
我们没有什么理由不表示地址簿, Web提要及类似的数据,这些可以通过链接到 XML文档来完成。 ibm

They also wanted access to platform specific data such as Outlook Address Books, which can be accessed using Microsoft's MAPI interface.
他们同样也希望访问特定平台上的数据,例如能用微软的 MAPI接口来访问的 Outlook地址簿。 infoq

This field is used to specify additional local address books for the Notes client.
这个域用来为 Notes客户机指定其他本地地址簿。 ibm

What is more, both phones can automatically add contacts from such sites to their address books.
此外,两家公司的手机均能从这些网址自动添加联系人到其通讯录。 ecocn

While many people use their PCs to keep track of their contacts and address books, new services like Friendster and Spoke combine those address books together.
当很多人还在利用他们的个人计算机记录联络人和地址簿时,新的服务像 Friendster和 Spoke已经将那些地址簿全部整合在一起。




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