

单词 cedar rapids
释义 cedar rapids 英ˌsiːdə'ræpɪdz美ˌsiːdər'ræpɪdz 短语³⁰⁸⁴⁵

a city in eastern Iowa A city of eastern Iowa on the Iowa River south- southeast of Cedar Rapids. It is the seat of the University of Iowa established1847. Population, 59,738.
衣阿华州东部城市,位于塞达拉皮兹东南偏南的衣阿华河边。它是衣阿华大学建于1847年所在地。人口59,738。 http://www.79cha.com

A city of eastern Iowa on the Iowa River south-southeast of Cedar Rapids.
衣阿华城衣阿华州东部城市,位于塞达拉皮兹东南偏南的衣阿华河边。 iciba

Meanwhile, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa this city library is a total loss.
在爱荷华州的塞达拉皮兹城,这里的图书馆被彻底地毁了。 putclub

A city of east- central Iowa, a residential suburb of Cedar Rapids. Population, 20,403.
美国衣阿华州中部一东部城市,是塞达拉皮兹的一个居民郊区。人口20,403。 poptool

General Mills installed the sag correctors at Cedar Rapids.
锡特拉皮兹市的通用磨粉公司就安装了骤降校正器。 blog.sina.com.cn

In Rockwell Collins' case, engineers from Cedar Rapids are working on the programme, along with a team of15 in Shanghai.
以罗克韦尔柯林斯公司为例,在上海有由来自塞达拉皮兹的工程师组成的15人团队在做这个项目。 yeeyan

Much of Cedar Rapids was submerged by the Cedar River, which crested nearly seven meters above flood levels.
锡达拉皮兹市的大部分地区都已经被锡达河淹没,水位最高的时候超过洪水水位7米以上。 ebigear

President Bush said federal and local officials will not only focus on population centers like Cedar Rapids, but will also reach out to smaller towns affected by the flood.
布什总统说,联邦和地方官员不仅把救灾重点放在锡达拉皮兹这样的人口中心,他们也会兼顾受洪灾的那些小城镇。 ebigear

Then there's Cedar Rapids by Phil Johnston, about a small- town insurance man who finally gets his shot at the big time.
还有一部名为《锡达拉比兹》剧本,由菲尔约翰森撰写,讲述一个小镇的保险推销员最终抓住机会的故事。 yeeyan

Tzu Chi volunteers visited the City of Cedar Rapids, to assess what the Red Cross is calling, the worst national disaster since Hurricane Katrina.
继卡崔娜风灾后这个最大的天灾,慈济志工与红十字会一同前往勘灾。 newdaai




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